Azamat Abdoullaev - Science and Technology in the 21st Century. Future Physics & Technology

Science and Technology in the 21st Century. Future Physics & Technology
Название: Science and Technology in the 21st Century. Future Physics & Technology
Жанры: Физика | Естествознание
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "Science and Technology in the 21st Century. Future Physics & Technology"

Книга о Науке и Технологии 21 века. Какая будет лидирующая наука – Физика X.0 и какая Технология X.0 будущего ждет современное человечество. Ключевые понятия будущего, Первичная Физическая сила, Темная сила и Темная энергия, Теория Всех Вещей и Технологическая сингулярность, связаны одной идейной нитью. Все природные процессы, явления и эффекты обьединяются на основе универсального закона обратимости всех природных процессов, а также физической материи, энергии и силовых взаимодействий. Разработана универсальная модель физических сил в рамках новой единой физики,New Physica. Предложена общая концепция будущих прорывных технологий.

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Physics X.0 & Technology X.0

Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, PhD

Copyrights © <2016>

All Rights Reserved.

The whole book or its part should not be copied or used otherwise for any commercial purposes without a written permission of the author, excluding the reader’s personal development and citation in scientific literature or social media networks.

First Book of Monographic Series: < SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XXI>

Physics X.0 & Technology X.0; EIS Encyclopedic Intelligence Systems; EU, Russia, 2016

ISBN set 978-9963-2202-1-2

ISBN 978-9963-2202-2-9


The first book of monographic series of Science &Technology of the 21>st century is devoted to the Natural Science of Physics and Technology of tomorrow: Physics X.0 and Technology X.0.

New Physics X.0 as the leading natural science naturally unified in terms of convertibility and conservation of all natural forces and reversibility of all physical entities and processes is promising a dramatic advance in research, knowledge and understanding of the physical world.

All basic assumptions and principles, as symmetry principles and conservation laws, and the latest conceptual developments, as theory of everything or “dark energy” and “dark force”, imply the necessity of Unified Physics X.0 as a replacement of modern fragmentary and overspecialized Physics 2.0.

It is shown that most future technologies and breakthrough innovations will be the engineering products of Natural Science XXI and Physics X.0 coming from the universal reversibility mechanism.

The interconnection of physical phenomena, convertibility of all physical forces, and reversibility of all physical entities and effects, all is enabling to create revolutionary intelligent applications, like as Encyclopedic Knowledge Base in Physical Science for General AI.


It is the first book of monographic series of Science &Technology of the 21>st century, devoted to the Natural Science of Physics and Technology of tomorrow. The idea of the Science X.0, Physics X.0, and Technology X.0 is rooted in the terms “Web 2.0” and its indefinite extension, the Web X.0, both superseding the old and static business model of Web 1.0 of Netscape. Initially it was introduced as an “Internet operating system”, “Inventing the Future,”; “What Is Web 2.0,”

The Science X.0, Physics X.0, Technology X.0, and Engineering X.0 make the key parts of the World Sustainable Development Roadmap, showing the human civilization development directions, combining scientific achievements, technological breakthroughs and engineering deeds with political, economic, social or organizational innovations.

The Roadmap shows a high way to the New World of Science and Technology, Intelligence and Innovation, Progress and Prosperity:

WORLD 1.0 (Industrial World) ::

Science 1.0 > Physics 1.0 > Technology 1.0 > Engineering 1.0 > Economy 1.0 > Industry 1.0 > Infrastructure 1.0 > Network 1.0 > Telecom 1.0 > Internet 1.0 > Web 1.0 > Service 1.0 > Medicine 1.0 > Human 1.0 > City 1.0 > Government 1.0 > Nation 1.0 > Society 1.0 > Global Community 1.0 >…Space 1.0

WORLD 2.0 (Post-Industrial Information World) ::

Science 2.0 > Physics 2.0 > Technology 2.0 > Engineering 2.0 > Economy 2.0 > Industry 2.0 > Infrastructure 2.0 > Network 2.0 > Telecom 2.0 > Internet 2.0 > Web 2.0 > Service 2.0 > Medicine 2.0 > Human 2.0 > City 2.0 > Government 2.0 > Nation 2.0 > Society 2.0 > Global Community 2.0 >…Space 2.0

WORLD 3.0 (Post-Information Smart World) ::

Science 3.0 > Physics 3.0 > Technology 3.0 > Engineering 3.0 > Economy 3.0 > Industry 3.0 > Infrastructure 3.0 > Network 3.0 > Telecom 3.0 > Internet 3.0 > Web 3.0 > Service 3.0 > Medicine 3.0 > Human 3.0 > City 3.0 > Government 3.0 > Nation 3.0 > Society 3.0 > Global Community 3.0 >… Space 3.0 …> POST-HUMAN SINGULARITY WORLD


WORLD X.0 (Post-Human Singularity World)::

Science X.0 > Technology X.0 > Engineering X.0 > Economy X.0 > Industry X.0 > Infrastructure X.0 > Network X.0 > Telecom X.0 > Internet X.0 > Web X.0 > Service X.0 > Medicine X.0 > Human X.0 > > City X.0 > Government X.0 > Nation X.0 > Society X.0 > Global Community 3.0 >…Space X.0

Science (Mathematics and Physics), Technology, and Engineering are the root causes of historical human development and all the future progress and prosperity of humanity as the socio-technological civilizations.

Science (Mathematics and Physics) is the systematic study of the world, looking for general truths, empirical laws, scientific theories, theoretical systems, and the operations of fundamental laws.

Technology is generally viewed as the systematic study of techniques for changing the world, the human environment, by making and doing things, from simple machines to complex machinery, as cars or airplanes. It applies science to practice, the theoretical into the practical, associated with scientific products, artefacts, and the useful arts. There are as many technological sciences as scientific disciplines, mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, social, political, ecological, etc.

Engineering is engaged with converting natural resources into machines, machinery, engines, structures, systems, products and processes, applying fundamental scientific principles and technological sciences. Being one of the oldest professions in the world, after physics and mathematics, and producing the Industrial Revolution, it involves such major engineering disciplines, as civil, mechanical, chemical, electrical, as well as geological, nuclear, electronics, communications, instrument, computer, medical, biological, cognitive, social or environmental engineering, with numerous specialties and sub-disciplines.

Common to all diverse fields of science, technology and engineering, they all are grounded on a few fundamental principles of fundamental sciences, mathematics and physics; or, there are no professional technologists and engineers without knowing the fundamental sciences.

Physics X.0 & Technology X.0 & Engineering X.0 aimed to consistently unify a chaotically growing number of new sciences, technical sciences, and new engineering disciplines, focusing on emerging technologies, sophisticated technical innovations and complex cyber-physical ecosystems.

This Big Knowledge Unification covers such complex intellectual technological and engineering activities, as the Future Internet of Everything, Encyclopedic AI, Intelligent Industry, or Technological Settlements of the Future, Intelligent Nations or Smart Green Cities.

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Эта книга результат десятилетнего опыта работы практикующего психотерапевта, тренера в области успеха и семейной психологии – Елены Рыхальской.Рыхальская Елена Геральдовна – кандидат психологических наук, психотерапевт, преподаватель университета, автор статей в женских и профессиональных журналах, автор тренингов в области бизнеса и личных отношений.В книге «Любовь в жизни Женщины» автор знакомит своих читательниц с методикой, благодаря которой
Пожалуй, не существует пап и мам, которых время от времени не раздражало бы поведение их детей. Обычно раздражение возникает и накапливается в тех ситуациях, когда маме или папе не удается совладать с какой-то бытовой ситуацией. И такие случаи в условиях современной жизни – не редкость.Проблема родительского гнева и его проявления поистинне огромна. Настолько огромна, что заслуживает отдельной книги, которую и написала Екатерина Бурмистрова – зам
2026 год. Григорий Растахов – исцеляет людей прикосновениями, силой молитвы и… оргиями. Смертельно больной президент назначает его духовником, и у правителя России впервые появилась надежда. Но некоторым очень влиятельным людям Растахов встал поперек горла, равно как и сам президент.
Смертных завораживает и притягивает бессмертие, и порой только бессмертных интересует смертное продолжение рода. Не читайте, если вам нет дела, как наследники переживали потрясения своего мирка, к чему не совсем смертных подбивали амбиции, как прощались с умирающими и уходили из жизни потомки великих, к кому в трудный час обращались светлые, почему тёмные боятся Гедеона, как воевали воины древности, как платили по долгам и каково по ним платить,