Andrey Ogonkov - Tales of the Wizard Lyr: Lumin and Magic Garlic (Tenth Story)

Tales of the Wizard Lyr: Lumin and Magic Garlic (Tenth Story)
Название: Tales of the Wizard Lyr: Lumin and Magic Garlic (Tenth Story)
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Книги про волшебников | Зарубежные детские книги
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Tales of the Wizard Lyr: Lumin and Magic Garlic (Tenth Story)"

A wizard named Lyr lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life imprisoned by Queen Serlaila in order to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories wrapped in magic. Tenth Tale: Lumin and Magic Garlic

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Back in the days of yore, between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a wizard named Lear lived in the beautiful land of Ireland. His life was unusual and full of trials. The majestic Lear was imprisoned by Queen Serlaila, who longed to use his unique magical abilities to conquer new lands. Lear repeatedly saved the queen from insidious plots, predicting her future and helping her overcome her difficulties.

However, few people knew that the wizard Lear found his writing vocation by accident. Tormented by boredom and a thirst for creativity, he decided to write fairy tales inspired by letters sent to him by his beloved Miretta. In these letters she told him of her adventures and her search for magic, dreaming of a reunion with Lear.

One day Queen Serlaila read some of these tales and, admiring their beauty, decreed that Lear must compose two tales a week. Otherwise, she threatened to deprive the wizard of a finger for each tale that failed to meet the deadline. Incredibly, Miretta, this brave and dedicated soul, spent nearly fifteen years traveling, exploring the world and gathering inspiration for new stories of magic. She hoped that one day she would be able to reunite with her beloved Lear and give him her own amazing stories.

So begins our story of the wizard Lear, his magical abilities, his creative path and the great love that overcomes time and obstacles. Immerse yourself in the world of magic and fairytale adventures that await us on the pages of this book.

Tales of the Wizard Lyr: Lumin and magic garlic.

Brasov is a city in Romania, surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. This particular city is famous for its Gothic churches and other medieval buildings that strike fear into people. Whether you are a wizard or an ordinary person, the Gothic views of Brasov will not leave anyone indifferent.

A very poor family of two lived here – Lumin Celitra and his mother Floarea. Many years ago, their hope and support Ion left them, going on a trip to Romania to try his luck in search of the famous and lost collection of aventurine jewelry. Count Vlad Tepes, known as Dracula, was rumored to have kept this collection of stones as they had magical properties that could protect him from any magic that could threaten his power.

The stones were either hidden and forgotten or carefully concealed. Either way, each one was worth a fortune, both because of their magical properties and because of their connection to a famous figure.

Ion hadn't been home for twelve years, and his son Lumin had long since given up dreaming of seeing his father. He didn't even expect that life was capable of changing in an instant. Suddenly, a carriage stopped in front of his house, and a black gloved hand peeked out of the window. The boy walked over and heard a voice belonging to a man.

"Does Lumin Celitra reside here?" – The stranger asked.

"He's in front of you, sir," Lumin replied in a trembling voice, feeling the fear gripping him more and more with each passing second.

"Show this letter to your mother. Now," the stranger ordered, holding out an iron-engraved envelope to Lumin. Lumin hurried into the house, feeling cold and anxious, and handed the envelope to his mother. He himself stepped aside, unable to find his own place.

С этой книгой читают
A wizard named Lyr lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life in confinement, imprisoned by Queen Serlaila to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories shrouded in magic. This is the twelfth tale: Decebal's Magical Experiments.
Волшебник по имени Лир жил в период с шестнадцатого по семнадцатый век в Ирландии. Внушительную часть жизни провёл в заточении, заключенный королевой Серлэйлой под стражу, чтобы использовать его магические способности, благодаря которым Серлэйла завоевала много новых земель. Каждая Сказка Волшебника Лира повествует об удивительных историях, окутанных магией. Одиннадцатая Сказка: Магические Эксперименты Децебаля
A wizard named Lyr lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life imprisoned by Queen Serlaila in order to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories wrapped in magic. This is the fourth tale: Live Portraits by Murine Bell
A wizard named Lyr lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life in confinement, imprisoned by Queen Serlaila to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories wrapped in magic. This is the sixth tale: Mysteria Herodotus and her Griffons
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