Андрей Тихомиров - The book of the prophet Habakkuk – a scientific commentary on the text

The book of the prophet Habakkuk – a scientific commentary on the text
Название: The book of the prophet Habakkuk – a scientific commentary on the text
Жанры: Религиоведение / история религий | Научно-популярная литература | Религии / верования / культы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "The book of the prophet Habakkuk – a scientific commentary on the text"

The book of the prophet Habakkuk consists of three chapters and ranks eighth among the books of the lesser prophets. The book was written after the destruction of the Assyrian empire by the Chaldeans in 612 BC. e. and covers the period from the establishment of the hegemony of Babylon under the rule of the reigning Chaldean dynasty and until the first capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC. e. The book is dedicated to the age-old question that believers ask themselves throughout history – why does God allow predatory and wicked people to triumph? For atheists, the question is clear – every person, as well as any living being, proceeds from his own interests, which may not correspond to the interests of other people, living beings.

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Scholarly comments are given in brackets after each verse.

Chapter 1

1 A prophetic vision that the prophet Habakkuk saw. (The suggestion of "interested" persons to Avvakum is most likely a later insertion. The dating of his prophecies is rather arbitrary).

2 How long, O Lord, will I cry out and You will not hear, will I cry out to You for violence and You will not save? (Some interpreters of the Bible believe that Habakkuk, like Nahum, was a false prophet who, instead of prophesying about the coming danger, preached the imminent destruction of Babylon, since the justice of God is not consistent with the power of the villainous Chaldeans over "righteous" Judea).

3 Why do you allow me to see wickedness and look at disasters? Predation and violence are before me, and enmity rises and strife rises. (Everywhere discord and violence).

4 Because of this, the law has lost its force, and there is no right judgment: since the wicked overcomes the righteous, then a perverse judgment occurs. (Judgment is unjust).

5 Look among the nations, and look attentively, and you will be greatly amazed; for I will do in your days such a thing that you would not believe if it were told to you. ("Broadcasts" Yahweh, that is, a Jewish priest).

6 For, behold, I will raise up the Chaldeans, a cruel and unbridled people who go about the latitudes of the earth to take possession of villages that do not belong to them. (God threatens to raise the Chaldeans, that is, the Babylonians, against the guilty people).

7 Terrible and formidable he is; from himself comes his judgment and his power. (The Babylonians are dangerous rivals.)

8 His horses are faster than the leopards and faster than the evening wolves; his cavalry gallops in different directions; his riders come from afar, they fly like an eagle rushing at its prey. (The Babylonians are dangerous rivals.)

9 All of it goes for robbery; turning his face forward, he takes the captives like sand. (Babylonians are robbers).

10 And he mocks kings, and princes serve him as a laughingstock; he laughs at every fortress: he will pour a siege rampart and take it. (The Babylonians are skilled warriors.)

11 Then his spirit is puffed up, and he walks and rages; his strength is his god. (The power of the Babylonians is in their god Marduk).

12 But are you not of old, the Lord my God, my Holy One? we won't die! You, Lord, only allowed him to judge. My rock! for punishment You appointed him. (The prophet still believes that Yahweh will not allow the final death of the "chosen" people).

13 It is not for your pure eyes to look at evil deeds, and you cannot look at oppression; why do you look at the villains and remain silent when the wicked swallows the one who is more righteous than him, ("The prophet depicts the situation, as if indicating the years of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylon – the time of the apogee of the power of Babylonia. And complaints about internal unrest and lawlessness in the country may, perhaps, serve as evidence that the prophet was at that time in his homeland.This part of the prophecy, most likely, refers to the reign of King Joachim, that is, shortly before the first captivity in 597. It is noteworthy that Habakkuk, as if repeating Jeremiah , turn to Yahweh with the same timid question about the incomprehensible, unfair attitude of God towards people").

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