Дмитрий Щеглов - The collapse of civilization. 1 season

The collapse of civilization. 1 season
Название: The collapse of civilization. 1 season
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Ужасы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2018
О чем книга "The collapse of civilization. 1 season"

I decided to try to write my own book series, so this is not the first book and the first season, and the beginning of the apocalypse, I was inspired by such TV series as "Walking Dead", and "Be Afraid of the Walking Dead". An ordinary family, like many others, began to understand that something strange is happening in their city, but they still do not know that they have already witnessed the "sunset" of all mankind…

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Chapter 1

Igor was sitting at a table in a small kitchen and having lunch before work. He worked in the evenings in the theater as a cloakroom attendant in the center of the city. All already in the morning were at work. And Igor was alone. He lived in a small city in an area on the outskirts of the city, in a two-room apartment in a five-story house on the top floor. He had an older brother who worked in the same theater as an electrician. My mother was a teacher, a few months ago she retired, but continued to work in the district school, which was next to the house. My father worked as a security guard in a restaurant, also in the center. Since childhood, Igor had health problems, namely with his heart, therefore, he was not taken to work anywhere, he could not enter the school, but he did not despair. He finished eleven classes, worked as a janitor, cleaner, he was not afraid at all and was not ashamed of any work, and then he was lucky, his brother talked and he was taken as a cloakroom attendant. Igor was a short, wiry, twenty-six-year-old boy, he had black, docile hair and dark brown eyes, a kindly and sympathetic character, in principle, like everyone else in his family.

–Already four o'clock in the evening, in an hour you have to be at the bus stop.

Igor thought to himself, glancing at the clock that stood behind the glass in the suspended kitchen cupboard. When he had finished his meal, he washed the dishes behind him and went to get ready for work, the curtain of wood on the door did not loudly curl up when he went into the hall. Igor turned on the TV to listen to the latest news and began to gather.

– Cases have become more frequent, new flu viruses have been infected, already, several educational

institutions have been quarantined, but according to the press service of the Ministry of Health, there are no reasons for concern. A nice young smiling speaker was broadcasting from the screen.

– Also, the Ministry of Health asks not to panic about the fact that it is now the middle of September and

not the season of colds, it's okay, it's just a virus that mutates, explains this strange outbreak of the virus. And to other news … a holiday to the day of the city, which will take place in two days, will be held, in the morning address the head of the city promised.

–The girl continued to talk.

Igor turned off the TV, strange, but as if the girl was not smiling, her words did not arouse any confidence. He was already going, as it was warm outside and he was not going to get together for a long time, he put on his uniform, it consisted of jeans, turtlenecks and waistcoat, took the "Working" bag prepared in advance, left the room. He put on his sneakers, his cap and went out of the apartment, he remembered walking down the stairs. his mother used to say to him literally the day before yesterday that they already had many sick at school and not only children. Igor, considering the news and the words of his mother did not notice how he was on the street.

The street was warm and well, and even somehow calm. There was a warm pleasant wind, children as usual frolicking on the playground near the house, and their parents were resting, sitting on benches. Igor went to the stop, this cheerful atmosphere in the yard temporarily distracted him from the news, after a few minutes in high spirits he was already at the bus stop and was waiting for the bus. To the thoughts of the news he was returned accidentally overheard conversation of two women standing at the bus stop, and waiting for the bus.

– Can you imagine? today in the news said that there is nothing to worry about, that there is nothing terrible, but something in my heart is not calm … Said one: – That's for sure, here I got a daughter-in-law home from work, she works in a kindergarten, they say they are closed to quarantine, but I do not believe in them very much.

Another began to chatter.

At that time the bus number eight pulled up, the women stopped talking and went into the bus.

Igor went behind them, took his place by the window and leaning his elbows on the rail, again he loaded himself into meditations. The bus doors closed and he started.

– We pay the fare.

There was a severe voice of the conductress. She was a tall, plump woman with black hair up to her shoulders, and with small, running black eyes. Igor shuddered at this voice and was distracted from his thoughts. He got the money pre-cooked, handed them to the already standing conductor.

– Thank you for not surrendering

Threw the woman, and without waiting for an answer went further.

– You are welcome.

Igor told her after him.

He looked around, in front of him sat a young couple in the seat, which was located opposite the traffic of the bus and was on a hill. Apparently in this place there was a wheel, on the opposite side of the couple on the same seat sat the grandmother apparently with her grandson, and against, sat those women, whose conversation Igor heard. She passed the supervisor and sat down in her seat.

"Look at the accident!"

There was a frightened and excited woman's voice, somewhere from the depths.

Igor turned to the window, before his eyes there was not a pleasant and frightening picture. There was a police car near the ambulance, and nearby a man already covered with some white cloth on which a bloody stain emerged, next to it there was a car, a silvery Honda, with a bloody bumper. Silence reigned for a second, and then the whispering went on, the bus continued to move, and the terrible picture began to disappear, a truck was driving to meet the bus in the neighboring lane, and when he was almost level with the bus, the young man and girl opposite Igor suddenly exclaimed, then surprised and at the same time frightened:

"He's alive!"

Igor immediately turned around, but the accident was no longer visible, as the truck was just passing by the window and completely obstructing the view.

The girl pushed the guy in the ribs,

Controller came up to the couple apparently wanted to ask what the guy was thinking, but at that time somewhere behind, there was something like a shot. – bang! then again

– bang! Somewhere in the bus a child began to cry

"I knew it that way, and I knew it."

The woman who first talked at the bus stopped.

– Calm down everything is normal, it's just somewhere someone had the wheel burst.

Became all to calm the supervisor. Igor drew attention to the fact that a couple of something whispered briskly. He managed to make out only a few words among the frightened voice of the guy. -I saw this man begin to rise. He spoke …

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