Pazii Anna - The Hotel «Other Life»

The Hotel «Other Life»
Название: The Hotel «Other Life»
Жанр: Классические детективы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2020
О чем книга "The Hotel «Other Life»"

The hotel is located in a forest on an area of 300 hectares. The group are unfamiliar with each other people come on vacation, checking in to the hotel, but one of the guests killed. Translate from russian language by author

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Chapter 1: Arrival. The first day

Tour guide:Welcome to the Hotel "Another Life".

I found out this hotel from a friend. She originally planned to go with me, but unfortunately, still at her work. Natalia promised to drive later.

She tried to pull me out of the depression, but as always in her own way – to tell about the new hangouts, listed the pros: there will probably be many unmarried rich men, and parties. You will forget of Dennis. I ate cakes and not listened the speech of a friend, nodding, but became interested at the phrase – "despite all advertising, according to the description there should be so boring."

Anna: – Why boring? – I asked

– Well, houses in nature and there is a ban of the internet, I will throw you the link, read it. How to live in today's world without the Internet?! – She tinted her lips, winked at me before leaving

In the evening, I read the description of the hotel and realized that this is the place that I need, but absolutely cannot imagine Nataly in it. We booked a cottage for two, but here I am standing next to my car, like other, and she cheerfully clicks on the keyboard in the office.

Guide: – I am pleased to welcome you to our hotel and to remind the rules of this place. After listening to the information, you can cancel your reservation before you cross the border gate and get the keys to their apartments – a pretty woman pointed us to a high fence with barbed wire on the top edge. It looked scary. It’s like we're on vacation in a prison instead of a hotel.

In addition to my car in the parking lot there were five:

– Camry – inexpensive and used that belonged to the young couple, probably newlyweds

– Mersedes – of couple that speak to each other through clenched teeth, probably married for at least 10-15 years.

– Porshe – From it came a man in a suit, white shirt and dark glasses.

– Minibus – from which went out the children. The eldest of 10-12 years, the youngest less than five and their parents: a woman of 30 and a man no older than 35. Their clothing was modest, face a little tired, but at first glance, they seemed friendly loving family.

– Toyota prius. – The owner of the car was a young girl that was nervous and distracted. She periodically about something remembered, climbed into the car took something, or replaced by a new one. This could be a passport, telephone bill or something else.

Guide: – So, about the rules:

1. Behind the first gate you will find the second, protected more thoroughly. In the corridor formed by the space between the gates you will left your car in the parking. You will be given a car on solar batteries.

2. There you will find a small hostel, each of you get a small room with an area no more than 10 squares. Hush- she raised her hands in a gesture of trying on – I know you paid another number, listen to the end. So, the room is a small table, a narrow bed, a shower and toilet and a small safe. Valuables you have the right to pass on protection or to keep in the safe in your room of "corridor space." I'll call it "Corridor", as it is marked on the map, which you will be given at the entrance to the territory.

3. On site is not possible to use the telephone and internet. But you can use it in the corridor to communicate with the outside world, for this you will receive the keys to the rooms with WIFI. To communicate with each other and the service staff of the hotel you will be given the transmitter.

4. And most importantly, note that when entering the territory you hae to sign documents that you are aware of the hotel staff for the lives and safety of the hotel complex are not liable, and you are aware of the lack of mobile, medical aid, transportation and protection from wild animals.

Martha: – It sounds like we're going into the forest to the bears, and not in an expensive hotel – the woman -owner of the Mercedes said

Guide: – That's right, the hotel's territory – is 300 hectares of wild forest in which organically inscribed homes for people, but in such a way as to best not to disturb the natural ecological environment.

Dmitriy: – What about hunting? Are we going to throw stones at wild boars? – said the man in the Porshe

Guide: – The hotel hunting is allowed only with a crossbow. Often arranges snare the hare, but once a week a group of hunters are taken to a nearby forest outside the hotel boundary. The requirement to own weapons is the same as the car – storage in the territory of the corridor.

Ludmila: – But if you say that any animal can enter the territory of the hotel, how to protect ourselves from wild animals if you cannot use a weapon? – on the young woman's face reflected the horror, she hugged her children are looking forward to the adventure with enthusiasm peeking out from under her hands.

Guide: – You will live in the inner circle, marked on the map as the "heart" of the hotel. The contour of the area the "heart" as the road to the "corridor" enclosed by a metal mesh. Оn the territory the animals do not come, but if you see a grid of a large animal, please immediately report it to employees of the hotel and for a time to hide in the nearest room. Do not worry, you will be given instructions in this regard.

Anna: – On the territory there is a medical emergency room? – I'm not so much in need of assistance as surprised.

Guide: – In hotel any employee has a first aid kit first aid. Each issued car will also be all you need. But! You should understand that the territory of the complex is huge, to call an ambulance need to start at least get to the corridor from there to call emergency services and wait for transport will arrive at the hotel. I warn you again, if you are pregnant, there is a likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases, in the end, the fear that you may need medical intervention – refuse rooms and we will return your money.

Maksim: - And we will live in a cage? Can't go out of the territory of the "heart"? – outraged man from Mercedes

Guide: – Why, have. At your own risk you can go looking for mushrooms, but remember that you signed this paper case.

We were silent, looked at each other, watching the reaction.

– Well, if no more questions – follow me, we proceed to paperwork.

And in front of us began to rattle and clatter to depart the gate. We took seats in our cars.

I watched as one after another foreign car drove into the unknown, which frankly scared me. What awaits us? For three circles of gate, without the possibility of contact with family and first aid, signed the papers. In a head pop up images of horror films and detective stories, where all were killed, and survived only the main character and killer.

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