Вадим Кучеренко - The Idol

The Idol
Название: The Idol
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Пьесы и драматургия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2018
О чем книга "The Idol"

“The Idol” play tells about representatives of a dangerous and romantic profession – mountain climbers. Who are they? Are they heroes haloed with fame or quite ordinary people of flesh and blood? In the easy and understandable form the play challenges a viewer with eternal questions of conscience and fame passion, marriage-bed and misconduct. Also it challenges a viewer to mediate about searching of true vocation despite of the price he has to pay.

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A play by Vadim Kucherenko


Victor Mancev – a mountaineer.

Oleg Tomov – a mountaineer.

Vasil Korobko – a mountaineer.

Anna Korobko, Vasil’s wife – a mountaineer.

Cyrill Sumyatov – a journalist.

Alla Bjokova – a tourist.

Levan – a bartender.

Mikhalych – a postman.

The action is taking place at a mountain tourist camp.

ACT 1.

There is a canteen at a mountain tourist camp. It is evening. Levan is standing behind a bar counter, Alla Bokova is sitting at one of the tables. Cyril Sumyatov comes in.

Sumyatov. Good evening!

Levan. (speaking with a Georgian accent) You are welcome, dear, come in, be my guest!

Sumyatov. Thanks for your kind invitation..

Levan. What would you like? We have salad, cutlets…

Sumyatov. Nothing. I was wandering about in search of a living soul.

Levan. Are you a newcomer?

Sumyatov. Almost. Is it always so lonely here?

Levan. Hey, listen, are you bearing ill will to me?! Everybody has gone to the mountains. I wonder, what allures them there?

Sumyatov. Scientists know nothing about it. And what about you, aren’t you allured there?

Levan. Everybody should know his own place in this life.

Sumyatov. You think so?

Levan. My grandfather used to say so. And he was the wisest in our village – anyone will tell you. Do you believe me or not?

Sumyatov. Oh, let’s ask the lady, maybe she is going to judge between us. Do you have the same point of view?

Alla. I don’t care.

Sumyatov. It’s not possible.

Alla. Don’t argue with a woman. You’d better pay a compliment to her.

Sumyatov. I am sorry. Don’t you mind? (sitting next to her)

Alla. Please, take a seat. Are you hanging around doing nothing?

Sumyatov. Vice versa. I am here on business.

Alla. I am really surprised to hear that! Then if it’s not a secret what brought you to this mountain camp in the middle of nowhere?

Sumyatov. What secrets can I have from such a charming lady?

Alla. You are not so bad. Keep going.

Sumyatov. Thank you.

Alla. Go on, I am looking forward to your answer.

Sumyatov. I have to meet with the four famous mountaineers.

Alla. Oh, I think I know who you are talking about. One of them is such a morose guy, isn’t he?

Sumyatov. Most likely this is Voctor Mancev.

Alla. The other one is quite the opposite – a cherry fellow

Sumyatov. This is Oleg Tomov.

Alla. And a together couple of sweet-hearts.

Sumyatov. They are Vasil and Anna Korobko, the just-married.

Alla. Oh, I see then. And what are they famous for?

Sumyatov. Recently they have conquered the Devil’s Fang? Have you heard about this peak before?

Alla. For the first time from you.

Sumyatov. It is considered to be a real feat.

Alla. How appearance might be deceiving! I would never look at those good guys as heroes.

Sumyatov. Are you a climber?

Alla. No, I am just a modest tourist guide. Besides, I am terribly afraid of height. And why are you asking me? Is there anything special about me?

Sumyatov. As far as I know this camp is for mountain climbers. It made me assume so.

Alla. Actually, my husband was suddenly offered a pass to this camp at his work. So, I am here near white peaks, floating eagles and heroes. I know I should be happy but in fact I am bored to death. Isn’t it strange?

Sumyatov. And how long have you been getting bored here?

Alla. For two days already. I am not sure If I could spend at least a week here. And you, how long are you planning to stay?

Sumyatov. It depends on how soon I will get along with those four.

Alla. Are you going to tempt them for another climb?

Sumyatov. I am a journalist.

Alla. Oh, really? I have never met with journalists before.

Sumyatov. My purpose is to depict their feats.

Alla. How gloomy you said that! Aren’t you looking forward to this meeting?

Sumyatov. Please, tell me the truth, do you have a feeling that our world has gone mad?

Alla. Oh yeah! And everybody would agree with that. All you can hear at every corner is “oh, this crazy crazy, crazy world”!

Sumyatov. Are you feeling good in such a world?

Alla. Yes, I can tell you. I must be also crazy?

Sumyatov. As for me to be honest I am not quite myself in this world…

Alla. Are you married?

Sumyatov. Yes. But what’s the matter?

Alla. What makes you feel uneasy then?

Sumyatov. A loss of self-esteem, I would say.

Alla. It is nonsense!

Sumyatov. Just look around!

Alla. Okay…

Sumyatov. What do you see?

Alla. Frankly speaking, nothing interesting.

Sumyatov. That’s it! However, they try to persuade us – you and me in the opposite.

Alla. Who tries? Persuade of what? It’s bullshit!

Sumyatov. Bullshit?! Just switch on the radio. I am sure at this moment some feeble-voiced pop diva is trying to imitate a nightingale or maybe they are talking about some boxing champion. And let’s take TV….

Alla. So, what do you have against TV?

Sumyatov. It is flooded with show-business stars and politicians of various types. I am not even mentioning newspapers!

Alla. Are you afraid to find an inferiority complex in yourself?

Sumyatov. I feel offended for my country. It looks like we really can not live without either God, tsar, or hero. And it would be better to have three of them at once.

Alla. What are you talking about? A Tsar was overthrown a long time ago, the God is terribly far from people, only a hero has remained. Please, don’t deprive us of our last consolation!

Sumyatov. I can’t understand, what are you driving at?

Mikhalych enters.

Mikhalych. All bon appetit!

Levan. \speaking with a Georgian accent\ Come in dear! We’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Do you believe me or not?

Mikhalych. I am like a clock – precise and inevitable.

Levan. What’s new in the world, eh?

Mikhalych. Every minute something is happening in the world. How can I know about all?

Levan. But you know something anyway…

Mikhalych. The less we know, the more quiet we sleep. I advise you to learn this simple truth.

Levan. Thanks for advice, dear. Have you brought some mail or not?

Mikhalych. Here you go, if you really can’t live without it. But please, don’t blame me in case the news is bad.

Levan. I won’t, don’t worry.

Mikhalych. Hey guys, you see, I’ve warned him!

Sumyatov. Sure. You can refer to us as witnesses just in case.

Mikhalych. Absolutely! Can I learn your names?

Sumyatov. Cyrill Sumyatov.

Alla. Alla Bokova.

Mikhalych. You can call me Мikhalych. You have done me a favor I won’t forget it. (Leaves).

Levan. What a man he is, I can’t understand…

Sumyatov. An odd fellow, I would say.

Alla. Or maybe another madman?

Sumyatov. It looks like. I am afraid I could go crazy here myself. The ambience and the landscape are quite suitable.

Alla. Do not worry, it’s not going to happen with you.

С этой книгой читают
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Ваня и Петя находят подкову, которая исполняет желания, но не так, как им хотелось бы. Вместо сладостей – муравьи, вместо путешествия – подвал, полный старых вещей! Вместе с волшебным котом и вредным гномом, братья разгадывают тайну подковы и понимают, что настоящее счастье не в материальных богатствах, а в дружбе и доброте. Красочные иллюстрации не оставят ваших детей равнодушными.
Кто из нас не мечтал в детстве. Мечты эти были романтичными и светлыми. С возрастом они угасали. Мы взрослели и понимали, что детство – это детство, а живем мы в реальной жизни. И, вдруг, детская мечта превращается в реальность и остается самым великолепным воспоминанием на всю жизнь. Служба на флоте оставляет неизгладимый отпечаток на характере и судьбе человека. Ну, а кто служил на Северном флоте знает: «Северный флот не подведет»!
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В учебном пособии в соответствии с программой курса «Семейное право» и тематическим планом изучения данной дисциплины изложены все основные вопросы: семейное право как отрасль российского права; брак; права и обязанности супругов; права и обязанности родителей и детей; алиментные обязательства членов семьи и т. д.Издание подготовлено с учетом изменений, внесенных в отдельные законодательные акты в связи с принятием Федерального закона «Об опеке и
Шарль Перро – признанный мастер волшебных авторских сказок. Каждая из них сияет своей выдумкой, а реальный мир отражается в её гранях той или другой стороной. В его сказках есть именно та смесь непостижимо чудесного и обыденного, простого, возвышенного и смешного, что составляет отличительную черту настоящей сказочной фантастики.В данном сборнике все сказки Перро даны в неадаптированных переводах, изданных в 1936 году под редакцией Михаила Алекса
«Я закончила четвёртую книгу стихов, которую назвала «На краю тишины». В этой книге нашли отражения думы и чувства, вызванные грозными событиями XXI века. Заранее благодарю тех, кто найдет время и желание прочитать мои стихи, которые я писала душой, может быть иногда нарушая законы стихосложения…»