Rafael Grugman - The Messiah Who Might Have Been

The Messiah Who Might Have Been
Название: The Messiah Who Might Have Been
Жанры: Современная русская литература | Книги о войне | Историческая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2018
О чем книга "The Messiah Who Might Have Been"

The first story The Messiah Who Might Have Been based on real events which take place in Siberia during the Cold War, when tensions between the Soviet Union and the USA affected the fates of ordinary people in a terrible way.

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The Messiah Who Might Have Been

Translated from Russian by Geoffrey Carlson

I’m already nine weeks old. Two weeks ago, she didn’t know that I existed, but she was worried about a vague pregnancy. As far as I could tell, she had three girlfriends – Zina, Valentina and Olga – and she told all of them: „I think I’m in serious trouble.“

To be honest, I didn’t realize at first that she was talking about me. When she called Olga from the editorial office, Olga didn’t get it at first either.

„Mila, what’s up? What do you mean, ‘you’re in trouble’?…VD?“

„No such luck. Olya, it looks like I got knocked up.“

„Really?! When did it happen?“

„I think…“ she started doing the math. „…about seven weeks ago. Maybe earlier. I’ve been late often, so I didn’t figure it out right away.“

„Are you sure? Maybe you should go to the doctor?“

„I know it without the doctor. All the signs are there. The nausea, the colostrum… I’ll have to get another abortion.“

I shuddered, hearing that abominable word. She reacted immediately when she felt my emotion. „Excuse me, Olya, I don’t feel well,“ she said gruffly and hung up the phone, grabbing at her throat with both hands.

I realized that I’d been found out – now she knew for sure that there was another life glimmering under her heart. Maybe this was for the best; she would calm down and give up her wild life.

I knew that I existed before she knew it. Modern medicine erroneously considers a child’s date of birth to be the day he or she comes into the world, although it does not deny that the embryo’s heart is already beating at four months. This means that even before the officially recognized date of birth, the fetus is a living being, gathering enough strength so that five months later it can break out of its shell and begin to live in a new world.

I gathered this information when Mila (that’s my Mama’s name) was studying The ABC’s for Pregnant Women. This book even included my name, Embryo. I don’t like it – it sounds pretentious – but I don’t want to argue over trifles. Let them give me whatever name they like. Even Fetus. I don’t care.

The book says that a woman who is about to become a mother should take care of her future child’s health by eating well, avoiding psychological stress and spending more time outdoors. Alcohol, nicotine, excessive physical exertion and strict diets are off limits to pregnant women.

Going by the book’s recommendations, if one were to rate Mila’s readiness for changes in life on a scale of one to five, she wouldn’t get any higher than a two. I don’t mean to complain about the food, although I’ll admit I’m already sick of French fries. Of course it wouldn’t hurt if my Mama varied the menu, but I won’t get hung up on food. There are more substantial problems. Besides Mila’s harmful predilections for alcohol and smoking that have haunted me from the moment of conception, there is now a third enemy: nervous breakdowns.

There’s nothing I can do for her; she’s in no condition to control her feelings. Her stresses are my headaches. If she’s not able to build a soundproof wall around her heart and protect herself from unnecessary suffering, I’ll have to take care of myself. So far, this is just a declaratory statement. We are joined by a single thread, and I am powerless to change anything. If she sneezes, I tremble as if there were an earthquake. If she becomes nervous, I grow faint from the stuffiness.

How can one find psychological independence while in the womb?! The nine-month incarceration is the best time of life, but for me it’s a test of endurance! Instead of a contented and carefree life, I have to be alert, listening to conversations and thinking about my own protection. Maybe these experiences will be useful to me in the future. Who knows, perhaps many great leaders, before they became great, were forging their characters and achieving the elements of survival inside their mothers’ wombs, just as I am doing. They may have also been threatened by the surgeon’s scalpel, but they maintained their self-control, confidence and faith victoriously. Am I a future Emperor Bonaparte? Russian Generalissimo Suvorov? Admiral Nelson? We’ll see, we’ll see… We can talk about my career later. First I have to win my freedom.

The book my Mama was reading contains several stupid mistakes, which may cause Homeric laughter. It says that a child begins to see and hear consciously at the end of the first month after birth or at the beginning of the second. At the same time, the first cognitive reflexes appear.

This is complete nonsense! But the things that are described in the book are only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps when they cut the umbilical cord that connects me to Mama, I will actually begin to perceive the world again. After being blinded by the bright light and losing my ability to think logically during the first minutes of life outside the uterus, I will learn to see again during the second or third week. By the age of four months, I will be able to distinguish colors, and towards the end of my first year of life, I will pronounce my first distinct word. I will also learn to walk. In any case, these are the stages of life ascribed to the Embryo in The ABC’s for Pregnant Women. Mila was looking through this book with interest in the library yesterday. This led me to conclude that despite the threat of abortion, I still have a chance to extricate myself from this situation healthy and unharmed.

However, despite the auspicious signal, I have to be cautious. Mila’s actions are contradictory. My future is vague and depends entirely on Mama. I am a helpless, passive observer. Tangled in the umbilical cord, I am in a dark and closed space, and I cannot influence her decision in any way. The only way I can entertain myself is to hold onto the umbilical cord, float in the intrauterine pool and perceive the world the same way Mama sees it.

I don’t know what my Mama looks like, or what her male and female friends look like. But for the past nine weeks I have been able to hear clearly, or rather feel, or rather consciously perceive all her words and actions. I can even read thoughts, a skill which is considered a miracle in the real world. When she smokes a cigarette, I choke from the oxygen deficiency; when she drinks a shot of vodka, it gives me hot flashes. It is especially oppressive if a man puts his weight on her stomach and presses with all his strength. His thrusts cause me pain. Resisting with all my might, I strike madly against the walls of my cell: „Stop! That’s enough!“

С этой книгой читают
В книгу вошли четыре сказки – «Про бедного Иванушку», «Про непутевую бабу», «Про Семена Ложкаря» и «Сказочка про непослушных детей». Книга содержит нецензурную брань.
В один миг её жизнь резко изменилась. В одно мгновение она потеряла всех, кого любила. Остались лишь жалкие воспоминания, каждый раз задевающие израненную душу. И каждый раз вспоминая, в голове проносились одни и те же слова: «Пламя, ты забрало из моей жизни всё, что я любила. Безжалостно оставило одну в угоду себе и этому миру. Почему я до сих пор хожу по этой прогнившей земле? Почему я до сих пор дышу этим отравленным воздухом? Скажи, почему я
Видать, малыш тоже устал от ожидания встречи с новым хозяином и радостно закружился по коробке, виляя хвостом. Мать прикрыла его второй частью с наклеенным огромным бантом. Это был единственный подарок, что попал в этом году не под ёлку, а прямиком в руки ребёнка.
Роман с ноткой нового времени 18+. Роман основан на 99% реальных событиях – с одним процентом выдуманной реальности.Посвящается каждой душе, которая ищет свой путь… Душе, которая ищет свою родную душу среди тысяч, миллионов, миллиардов тел в надежде обрести истинную, предназначенную небесами Любовь всей своей жизни, чтобы засиять в тысячу крат ярче звездами своих сердец!
Эта книга повествует о духовной миссии России, содержит пророчества о будущем России и даёт конкретные рекомендации, что делать для осуществления предсказанного будущего.Книга предназначена самому широкому кругу читателей.Всегда в глубине сердец русских людей жила мечта о светлом будущем, которое должно наступить. Всегда в сердцах русских людей была вера в чудо, которое спасёт Россию.И много раз Россию спасало именно чудо.И сейчас наступает время
Темы, которые раскрываются в этой книге, очень актуальны для многих людей – практически каждый из нас стремится быть здоровым, иметь достаточно денег, получать удовольствие от своей работы и в конечном итоге обрести счастье.Как же этого достичь?Советы, которые даются в книге, уже изменили жизнь многих людей в лучшую сторону.Наверное, секрет в том, что все рекомендации очень просты, но за кажущейся простотой они содержат большую жизненную мудрость
Каково это, быть участником апокалипсиса? Кошмарно, я вам скажу. Потому что, когда на твоих глазах экспериментаторы уничтожают население планеты, а города превращаются в кладбища.... Это не просто страшно. Просто Вселенная наделила тебя четвертой группой крови, как и остальных оставшихся в живых. А экспериментаторы, угробившие весь мир, желают поиграть с тобой в кошки-мышки, а если ты перестанешь упрямиться и примешь их правила игры, тебя ждет не
Вместо суда, исправительной колонии лопата и похоронная команда; комары – самое серьезное испытание. Витю ждёт квест в местах боев в Себежском укрепрайоне, где против 170 СД 1-го формирования шли эсэсманы. Поисковики подняли нескольких бойцов (ФИО подлинные), останки повезли на родину. Чумачечую Сану пропавшие без вести в ВОВ не волнуют, она еле в в адеквате, в анамнезе трагическая первая любовь. Сумеет ли втянуть он девушку в поисковое движение?