Ви Корс - The Mist and the Lightning. Part III

The Mist and the Lightning. Part III
Название: The Mist and the Lightning. Part III
Жанры: Эротические романы | Героическое фэнтези | Эротическое фэнтези
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2020
О чем книга "The Mist and the Lightning. Part III"

Continuation of the sensational erotic adventure… They are not offspring of Hell; they just lived nearby… Arel Chig is a fallen prince, the only one who dares to break the rules in a society separated by race, language and origin. When he meets Nikto, a strange man of many secrets, Arel's life is going to change Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Chapter 1

New Allocation

The servant whose eyes started tearing from Orel's flick rushed to the door. Orel didn't stop him, and the man happily slid out of the room. Nikto laughed; Orel looked at him questioningly, then laughed, too.

"You are laughing at the flick I gave him?" he asked shaking his dark head. "Aren't you?"

"Yeah." Nikto sat down on the edge of the bed, lacing his vest put on his nude body.

"Nik, it's cold outside," Orel poured some coffee and lit a cigarette.

"Are you afraid that I'll freeze?"

"Yes, I wouldn't want you to."

"My leather coat has thick fur."

"Thick fur," Orel repeated smirking and shook his head. "Do you want some coffee?"

"Yeah, give me some." Nikto got onto the bed with his legs and sniffed. Orel poured a cup of coffee for him.

"Be careful, it's hot." He took Nikto's wrist and put Nikto's forefinger between the cup and its handle. "Hold it? I'm letting go."


Orel took his hand away. Nikto drank coffee in a few gulps and put the cup on the tray by touch.

"Come on, eyes, come on," he drawled in exasperation.

"Do you want more?"

"You're kidding!"

"You don't understand anything."

"Fine with me."

Orel yawned, narrowing his eyes like a cat, then smiled slyly, quietly stretched his hand to the right and suddenly slammed his fist against the wooden back of the bed. Nikto flinched, turned around – his reaction was instant. He threw his hand forward and managed to grab Orel at the last moment. Orel hissed in pain. Nikto yanked him closer, twisting his wrist. Orel fell on his side, nearly overturning the tray. Nikto leaned towards him, blinking and touching his face with his free hand.

"Why did you do it?"

"Nik, let me go, I'm holding a cigarette!"

Nikto passed his hand over Orel's long dark hair.

"So soft," he said. "Soft and smooth."

"Ni-ik, let me go! I can't stand it…"

Nikto let his hand go and Orel pressed it to his chest.

"In the candlelight it shines and glitters when you shake your head turning up your nose. I've never seen such hair – fine, soft and thick at the same time. It's probably a sign of your breed." Nikto paused. "You were very beautiful until you mixed up with the Lower world."

"That's it. The Black mixed up with some shit and lost themselves," Orel agreed getting up and shaking his hand. "You are crazy, you cannot take a joke at all."

"Do you think so? I wonder if you'd find it funny in my place."

Orel laughed.

"Do you really think I'm handsome?"

"Too handsome for me to leave you like that."

"Aaah, but Nik! Why did you heal my eye then?"

"You had problems with fighting, I didn't want you to get killed."

Orel tensed.

"Was it very noticeable?"

"No, no, you're very strong and you managed but it really wasn't for you."

"Yeah, right." Orel lit another cigarette from the previous one. "By the way, you don't need to envy my hair, yours is great, too. You know, Dony said her new horse's mane is just like your hair, only cleaner."

Nikto laughed and pushed Orel in his face with an open palm. Orel, who didn't expect it, lost his balance and fell from the bed on the floor. He laughed getting up.

"You're just pretending you don’t see anything!"

"I start seeing."

"Nik, tell me what you think," Orel sat down on the bed. "Enriki is a dead man, isn't he?"

Nikto kept silent, musing.

"No," he said at last. "I don't think so."

"Care to explain why?"

"He is cautious and now Squint-Eye will never let anyone kill him. If Squint-Eye stays paired with him and keeps standing by him, that is."

"Do you think Squint-Eye can do it? He is also crippled."

"Squint-Eye is not crippled. His eye and your eye are totally different things, for him it is as natural as for me being lame. He didn't know anything else and he isn't bothered with it. He'd rather be troubled if he suddenly started seeing normally. But I don't envy Enriki, he will be assaulted badly."

"I'm afraid he won't handle it."

Nikto shrugged.

"You're sure he'll be wounded in the first serious fight, aren't you?"

"Yes," Nikto looked up at Orel. "You know it yourself. Edin Ol is a dangerous enemy, he knows about Enriki's wound and his weak spots and he'll be pressing to the end. Wouldn't you do the same thing?"

"I did. Hundred times."


"What should I do? Maybe, replace Squint-Eye?"

"It is your choice whether to discard Enriki or to cover up for him. If you replace Squint-Eye with Vil, Enriki is a dead man. Vil cannot fight in a pair, he thinks only for himself, he fights alone – and one is always weaker than two. If you keep Squint-Eye there, there is no guarantee he won't be wounded, two of them will have to handle all the pressure. Squint-Eye will be in trouble, he might save Enriki but get wounded too."

"And I'll have two very useful warriors wounded. I don't like it at all! Is there a variant when Enriki is wounded or killed but Squint-Eye is safe?"

"Think about it: Squint-Eye feels guilty, he will do his best to make up for it. He will risk."

"Shi-it, you're right, and taking into account his mood… they both might get killed!" Orel bit his lip. "But Enriki… I need Enriki for the Upper City!"

"You can go to the Upper City yourself, he managed to arrange it for you."

"I'm a zero in it! Without him all our privileges and amnesties will go down, like a house of cards."

"Aren't you depending on him too much?"

"I am! Every one of my men is irreplaceable for me! Without Enriki you, Lis and Squint-Eye will go to prison for sure."

"Without Lis's strategy there will be no victories in the Lower City. Without Squint-Eye no one will fear you. And you? Can't you do anything?"

"You, Nik – how can I replace you with anyone?"

"I'm not talking about myself! If Enriki means so much for you, lock him up in the castle, make him deal with papers and that's all."

"I cannot do it! If I lock him up, it will mean he isn't a warrior any more! He won't do anything then."

"If he cares for you, he will."

"Would you?"

"Any time, I'm fed up with this war."

"You speak like Squint-Eye, are you serious?"

"Yes. I envy Lis – I won't live long enough to get this old."

"But you don’t know how old you are."

"I thought about it and tried to recall. I think I'm twenty-three, yes, I'm sure."


"What, don't I look like that?"

"No-o. But Lis told me that."

"Told what?"

"He said you're barely over twenty, and I didn't believe him."

"Fucking shit, Lis knows more about me than I do!"

Orel laughed.

"He said: 'Nikto is at least seven years younger than me." Orel tossed a sly look at Nikto. "Fine, you're tired of fighting – quit it."

"What? Are you permitting me?"

"No! Of course, not! But Enriki won't quit, he want to prove he still can fight. Do you know what I think? I'll replace Squint-Eye and put Vil there."

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The next series of the acclaimed series of books.Тhis story actually happened in a different reality (a different dimension, a parallel world); you can call it whatever you like, whatever you used to, whatever is convenient for you. Its essence will not change with that. All characters in the story exist and interact just like we exist and interact in our world. Only their names, the names of the gods, peoples and territories are not authentic; t
Продолжение нашумевшего эротического приключения – Туман и Молния. Поставив таким образом заключённого на колени, они сняли с его головы мешок, но никто не поднял головы, не взглянул на того, к кому его привели. Содержит нецензурную брань.
Continuation of the sensational erotic adventure… They are not offspring of Hell; they just lived nearby… Arel Chig is a fallen prince, the only one who dares to break the rules in a society separated by race, language and origin. When he meets Nikto, a strange man of many secrets, Arel's life is going to change. Содержит нецензурную брань.
The next series of the acclaimed series of books. Тhis story actually happened in a different reality (a different dimension, a parallel world); you can call it whatever you like, whatever you used to, whatever is convenient for you. Its essence will not change with that. All characters in the story exist and interact just like we exist and interact in our world. Only their names, the names of the gods, peoples and territories are not authentic;
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Начало IX века. Во время вражеского набега погибает род врановичей из племенного союза славян-северов. Чудом выживший княжич Лютослав клянется отомстить убийце близких. Сможет ли последний из врановичей выполнить клятву и восстановить былое величие своего рода? Или бесследно сгинет в пучине хитроумных интриг и кровавых сражений. Грядущее скрыто от смертных за непроницаемой завесой тайны и только три Вещие Девы знают судьбу Лютослава Серебряного Ш
Горячие руки и пылкие губы. Страстный шепот в самое ухо, от которого мурашки бегут по спине и наглые резкие движения мужчины, который хочет, который уже все решил, который берет свое от этой жизни, даже если это "свое" еще немного сопротивляется.Сборник историй, таких разных:признание наложницы римского императора и шокирующие подробности двойной жизни учительницы, запретная любовь замужней женщины в отпуске на Кубе и бесстыдное поведение русских
«Бабочки» – это дневник молодого поэта Алера Тивана, включающий в себя 111 стихотворений и личные записи. В нем автор честно и откровенно расскажет тебе о невыносимом одиночестве, а также о всех видах любви – романтичной, дружеской, страстной, взаимной, безответной и даже запретной. Окунись в мир молодого автора и почувствуй себя его частицей.
Что из себя представляет современный мир? Это бесконечные посты и рассуждения различных людей. В данной книге собраны лучшие посты одного из анонимных блогеров России, который называет себя «Че». Своеобразные взгляды на некоторые вещи делают эту книгу уникальным собранием, которое хочется читать и читать. В произведении сохранена хронология, и это помогает вернуться в прошлое и вспомнить некоторые события.
Когда ты безнадежно влюблена в парня своей старшей сестры. Когда судьба сводит вас вместе и толкает в его объятия. Когда оказывается, что ваши чувства взаимны. Когда вам нужно принять себя и довериться друг другу. Когда вы встаете против целого мира, чтобы сберечь свои чувства. Главное, не сгореть в бушующем пламени…Книги Вероники Фокс – это чувственные истории о первой любви, которые задевают за живое, заставляют сопереживать героям и радоваться
Вторая книга захватывающей исторической серии от Александра Мазина и Анны Гуровой. Новые увлекательные приключения уже полюбившихся героев в загадочном и полном опасностей мире Древней Руси. Едва освободившись из плена, друзья проходят через новые испытания. Викинги, с которыми Радим познакомился в своих странствиях, соглашаются взять его с собой. Так сбывается мечта простого мальчишки: он получает шанс стать настоящим воином. Если, конечно, суме