Zhanuzak Tursynbayev - TIDA

Название: TIDA
Жанры: Героическая фантастика | Классическая проза
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2025
О чем книга "TIDA"

The book tells about the life and friendship of a simple doctor. The tragedy that happened to him, namely the loss of his son, makes him look at himself differently. Overcoming the pain of loss, he decides to rethink his place in the world and find the supports he needs in life. In this he will be helped by his spouse and a close friend.

In the course of his work, he encounters an autistic boy. The boy's story about his invented world of Tida, manages to shake him badly. In a desire to understand the boy more deeply, he tries to draw some parallels in his life and even find himself in his retelling of the story.

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And never have I felt such a deep feeling of alienation from my own self and from full presence in the world.

Albert Camus

Chapter 1. Slippery stones

In the pitch darkness,on the top of the rock, a white cloud hung, clinging just a little by the stones. A mighty giant was looking afar, letting down his long gray hair. Light wind was blowing his wrinkled face over, tainting his hair.

Thick and just like fallen white snow, his gray eyebrows were hiding the beautiful eyes. The eyes were full of tears and endless happiness simultaneously.

– Oh no, you woke your Dad up…. Muhit, sorry, the children were unstoppable. I don’t know why they are so hyped and just…. We have been riding for so long and this steppe and sands are all around. And here there is a city seen and the blue of the sea… Everyone has been emotional, darling, – addressed him his wife Mereke, making excuses, a little.

– I get it, Mereke, everyone is tired of riding. I have rested a little, I can say. And it’s great that I had a chance to take a little nap. I don’t want to seem exhausted for your parents. I need to wash my face and I can say I am ready. What a dream I had! How could I see in my dream some giant with his hair down, Mereke.

– Well, children, is everyone ready? Let’s go further then,– addressing his children he got a tight-knit agreement. Smiling after, he glanced quickly at his wife. She nodded her head and smiled sweetly.

In anticipation of a soon meeting with her parents, Mereke was glowing with happiness. She didn’t even want to hide it and looking around she was trying to recollect some song melodies.

Muhit noticed everything that was happening with her then. He was also happy about it in his inner self, listening to her pleasant singing.

– Mereke, these songs are so old. I have recollected them. Once my mom sang them to me. It’s so surprising that you know them. I would never even think that you know this exact song. The song which my mom used to like singing for me… It’s like you transferred me to my childhood. Thank you, darling,– addressed her Muhit and tried to look through the rearview mirror and see the hushed kids settled on the backseat. All of them were exhausted from the long ride and sleeping tightly.

– Yes,you are right darling. It’s an old folk song. We tried to sing it with girls who lived next door back then. Neighbors often liked to gather at my parents’ house on Saturday evenings. I can remember it clearly. So men were discussing something amongst each other. And women were singing different songs. And we were listening and even tried to join them… And what kind of voices they had?! How can I not recollect our favorite neighbor, aunt Talshyn? I remember the way she hit the hardest pitches. She charmed all listeners with her singing. And it didn’t surprise anyone then. Now I feel she had it as her natural talent…

Precisely this song she liked singing, by the way. I don’t even know why I remembered this song… And you know what I’d also like to say. It’s that when I sing these melodies now, I imagine her. Even if it sounds strange and is hard to believe, it is so. That’s what we saw in our childhood, darling. Perhaps I've learnt this song since then. Do you also like this song? What a good time it was, people tried to communicate with each other, give each other pleasant emotions, for a reason or not. Are they still alive? I would like to, if we are home, visit all of them. I am sure they would remember me right the way. I was always their favorite one, always dancing before them… I don’t even know why I always liked to dance before them. Perhaps I wanted them to rate my dancing abilities. But does it matter now? So much time has passed but it still appears before my eyes…. Maybe you also have something to recollect, darling, don’t you? I was so graceful back then, just as our daughter is now and tried to make various movements. As for me, those dancing moves were like a breath of fresh air. I don’t know why but I wanted to be praised. And what is really strange, they clapped and supported me… However it was, I was never embarrassed by them. Definitely my mom still remembers my tricks and, I think, she will tell you what kind of child I was with pleasure,– answered Mereke, eager to make sure why kids suddenly hushed down, she turned around to have a look at them.

– Darling, how beautifully they sleep. If only we knew what fate would bring for them. Recently I have been wondering about it a lot, darling. I don’t even know why. I try to push away bad thoughts. Muhit, sometimes I cry not knowing the reason. I didn’t want to tell you in order not to concern you. Recently I’ve been so moved. I don’t know why but anxiety doesn’t leave me alone. Don’t you feel the same, darling? I’m sorry that I have to ask you this question. Answer me, darling. It’s important for me…,– she continued and glancing at him, she suddenly hushed. Her beautiful eyes were full of tears and it was hard for her to keep it

– Mereke, you take it too close. We are resting now and nothing should spoil our staying here. Generally, you have been tired these days and I noticed it, of course. You know, I am sure of one thing. We will spend an unforgettable vacation here. We will dump all negative things from our inside, gather good emotions and come back home after all. And how about dancing? We will have enough time to dance here too, darling. Speaking of your worries, I will say only one thing. Mereke, you need to try good in everything. I’m not saying that life, whatever it is, can have some surprises for us. Yes, it is what it is but we are together and it is enough to get through all these circumstances. You are a woman so it might be the reason for you to worry. But everything will be fine. And even better. Everything’s going to be great, darling. Leave your worries behind. Am I right, darling?– replied Muhit and reached his hand to pet her on her shoulder.

Mereke just nodded him and kept silent. She took out her handkerchief and wiped off her tears quickly and unnoticeably for her husband. Eager to get rid of her obsessive thoughts, she started looking at the city, appearing in the horizon.

Soon, city of Aktau met them with its glory. Tall houses tried to shed the setting sun. The weather was wonderful. Sun rays were trying to flirt with the sea at the end of the day and were tossing numerous highlights on the coast rocks. Gloomy rocks tried to push them away, forced to be patient. Only boring seagulls were sitting on the rocks silently. Turning at them from time to time. They were pulling their wings in a lazy manner looking down at their legs.

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По мнению автора, путь духовного поиска складывается из двух составляющих. Это личный опыт и осмысление. Смысл книги лучше всего передаёт фраза Антония Великого: «Бог благ, бесстрастен и неизменен». Идёт ли речь о чуде, действии благодати или молитве автор пытается понять суть явлений, опираясь на это высказывание святого Отца.
Сборник рассказов сочетает в себе фантастические миры, запредельные возможности людей, чудеса природы и настоящие человеческие чувства и ощущения.
Как всё просто у тех, кто никогда с этим не сталкивался, а рассуждает на диване перед телеком о чужих изменах. Я бы никогда не простила! Ага. Я бы ушла в ту же минуту, как узнала! Всё равно куда! Босиком! Ещё раз ага.Конечно, если он распускает руки, приводит любовниц в дом, не работает, пьёт, нюхает, таскает всё из квартиры, плевать хотел на детей и приличия, то тут нечего обсуждать. Чем быстрее закончится этот кошмар, тем лучше, и ни о каком «п