Valentine Solonevich - To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown

To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown
Название: To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown
Жанры: Киберпанк | Научная фантастика | Боевая фантастика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "To the Bottom of the Ocean. Lunniva's light on the way to the unknown"

2070, the time has come for advanced nanotechnology. A team of Japanese scientists, including cyber experts, nanotechnologists, astronomers, geologists and biologists, using their satellite systems, detected the appearance in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in an unknown way to an organically recreated floating island Shunevo.Blue Avenue Building Company over the past twenty years has been engaged in a secret mission entrusted by the government, namely the development of high quality diving cyber suits from a special nanomaterial obtained during a revolutionary breakthrough in 2050 by a group of experimental scientists.In the course of closed experiments of cyberspace synchronization with the human body and recreating a special atmosphere for life, the cyber suit has shown successful results in overcoming the force of water pressure, and now it is possible to descend much lower, to the very depths of the ocean.

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Part 1

Trained from childhood using the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) system, six friend’s of an already professional group of divers, by the suggestion of Japanese government, gathered at the headquarters of the Blue Avenue Building in Yokohama.

Description of six divers:

Sainami (Ami) – first class professional diver, 23 years old, smart and quite active girl. She accepts compliments from men about her beauty, but categorically disagrees only with the fact that she is perfect, since she knows very well that ideal people do not exist. Knows almost everything related to the underwater world of the ocean. She has long and straight black hair, nice-looking long bangs and charming crystal dark green eyes.

Yutoro (Yuto) – first class professional diver, 24 years old, excellent connoisseur of the water world of our planet. Fabulous and beautiful man, bright white shoulder-length hair with dark blue braids from the middle of the parietal part of the head. He has lovely, pleasing to other eyes – crystal dark-blue eyes. He has good intuition.

Miumiya (Miya) – first class advanced diver, 22 years old, her main tasks are to monitor the system functioning and manual control of the Lunniva submarine. The hair, oddly enough, but matched the color of the interior of the submarine – gray, but the shade is much darker – dark gray with the medium-level curly bob structure, and bright gray eyes. She is considered quiet and somewhat shy in life, but in her soul, there is usually a whole storm of various emotions, if she trusts you, then there is always something to talk about.

Kizeto (Kize) – first class advanced diver, 23 years old, no matter how you look at him, he is handsome from all sides, straight long dark scarlet-red hair and dark red keen eyes like an eagle, looks a bit like a demon in the flesh. There are those who treat him with contempt because of informal nature, but from people he does not know, such an opinion is absolutely all the same.

Nayushi (Nayu) – first class advanced diver, 24 years old, she has curly, medium-length, caramel-blond hair and her eyes are black with a yellowish tint. For some reason, usually she does not talk about her real feelings or experiences directly, sometimes she can only indirectly hint at the truth of her words at certain points, she talks a lot and is inherently frivolous – she is called a man of mystery.

Ryuxaro (Ryux) – first class advanced diver, 22 years old, very cute and stunning person, nature endowed him with black eyes and medium-length straight hair. In appearance, an ordinary person, but in certain actions and tasks, sensitively analyzes situation and knows how to resolve it more simply and correctly. Calmly and accurately reacts to conflicts, does everything possible to avoid them, as he has idea that unnecessary problems are useless and they need to be resolved immediately.

During the meeting at the headquarters, divers are going to be offered with a special task, the main purpose of which is to explore the depths of the ocean, unknown to the humanity.

Chapter 1 – Meeting in the conference room

Dr. Otto (dressed in a dark blue formal suit) opens the door to the meeting room, letting six divers in to have a long conversation.


Hello and welcome to Yokohama Blue Avenue Building: Ami, Yuto, Miya, Kize, Nayu, Ryux, please take your seats.

Six divers sit down in their seats. Everyone is dressed immaculately in formal suits. There are images of black, white and dark-blue waves drawn on the suits. There are also the rank metal badges of various classes attached to the jackets, which prove their skills and abilities in the duration of various extreme situations.

Among all divers, only Ami, along with Yuto, have the highest professional level with the title of «PADI dive master» and corresponding round metal badges with huge engraved wave in the middle.

Miya, Kize, Nayu, Ryux have advanced levels and round metal badges engraved with a plus and a smaller wave. Each of them stands out only in certain areas of courses with assigned titles:

Kize has – PADI Advanced open water diver, PADI rescue diver, PADI enriched air (Nitrox), PADI peak performance buoyancy, PADI deep diver, PADI drift diver, PADI night diver, PADI Master scuba diver.

Miya has – PADI equipment specialist, PADI emergency first response, PADI dry suit, PADI deep diver, PADI drift diver, PADI night diver, PADI rescue diver, PADI enriched air (Nitrox), PADI peak performance buoyancy.

Nayu has taken the same courses as Miya and Ryux has taken the same courses as Kize, except that Nayu along with Ryux additionally completed a refresher course – PADI Scuba Review (ReActivate).

Five minutes before the start of the main conversation with the divers about the secret operation.

Miya writes down a few secret paragraphs into her notebook, which she wants to tell Ami personally (so that nobody can hear them).


(Speaking in a low voice to Ami, and quietly handing her a sheet of notebook with the note)

Take it and read yourself now.

Accepting the sheet of Miya’s notes and reading it, Ami’s expression suddenly changes from normal to surprise.

Only Dr. Otto notices Ami’s expression. With interest and a wide smile on his face, he asks her:


Has anything happened to you?

Ami replies with a calm and clear voice.


(The moment Dr. Otto gets distracted, Ami quietly folds a sheet of paper and hides it in the inside pocket of her jacket)

No, everything is fine.

Dr. Otto, interrupting all unnecessary conversations, slanders into the microphone and announces the beginning of the main secret mission conversation.


Well… We’ve all gathered here to discuss the proposal to carry out the main mission based in the Pacific Ocean.

Now I am going to tell you about all the planned stages of the mission, which have been prepared specifically for your group. Each of you is going to be issued with special equipment, which includes the latest cyber wetsuits, cyber fins, masks, buoyancy compensators, belts with sets of weights, scuba gear, gloves special boots and helmets, depth gauges, underwater watches, as well as underwater personal mini-multiple computers. In addition, you are going to be provided with flashlights, underwater cameras, coils, compasses, special towing vehicles, tubes. The appearance of each wetsuit is made according to your personal preference, based on the available materials. The main and additional equipment will be waiting for you in the submarine Lunniva.

Bored with Dr. Otto’s monologue, Kize asks him:

С этой книгой читают
2070, the time has come for advanced nanotechnology.A team of Japanese scientists, including cyber experts, nanotechnologists, astronomers, geologists and biologists, using their satellite systems, detected the appearance in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in an unknown way to an organically recreated floating island Shunevo.Azure Avenue Building Company over the past twenty years has been engaged in a secret mission entrusted by the government,
Каждый имеет собственные желания и цели. И если в обычном мире, наполненном повседневностью и скукой, людям нетрудно разобраться в подобных хитросплетениях течения жизни, то в мире, которого никогда не должно было существовать, понять, ради чего стоит сражаться, не так-то просто. На плечи молодых людей пал невозможный выбор, ведь для того, чтобы сохранить то, что им дорого, каждому из них придется принести свою жертву. Что же действительно важно
История о лётчике, который научился верить в себя, об искусственном интеллекте истребителя, который отказался убивать, а ещё о настоящей дружбе, благом хакерстве и погоне за северными сияниями.
«Мир без границ – мир, в котором некуда бежать»Рассказ-антиутопия о победе глобализма, централизации и тотальной слежки за людьми. В мире без границ ты не принадлежишь себе.
Данная книга не трактует объективную истину, а лишь интерпретирует прагматические особенности природы реальности и ее взаимодействия с живыми организмами.«Новая научная истина не убеждает оппонентов, не заставляет их прозреть, побеждает онапотому, что ее оппоненты в конце концов умирают и вырастает новое, знакомое сней поколение – Plank 1968
Как вы думаете, где лучше всего заниматься любовью? На роскошной кровати? В море или бассейне? В лифте? А под Эйфелевой башней вы пробовали? Нет? Тогда вам еще есть, чего хотеть. Но помните: за все нужно платить – и совсем не деньгами.Перед вами продолжение эротических приключений Майкла Дуридомова и его персональной Венеры
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