Sergiusz Mangiejewski - Torah. The Pentateuch of Moses in weekly chapters, in poetic form

Torah. The Pentateuch of Moses in weekly chapters, in poetic form
Название: Torah. The Pentateuch of Moses in weekly chapters, in poetic form
Жанр: Религии / верования / культы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "Torah. The Pentateuch of Moses in weekly chapters, in poetic form"

There have been four revolutions in Judaism since that time,The gratuitous study of the Torah, from the Oral to the Written.Accessibility for women, as a recognition of justice in feminism,But the main thing is the Torah for non-Jews and its worldwide dissemination!The TORA is the foundation of the world’s three major faiths,Judaism, Christianity, Islam.Now everyone can study the Torah – the source of sacred knowledge,However, the choice is up to the individual.

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Dear friends!

There have been four revolutions in Judaism in the past time,

The gratuitous study of the Torah, from the Oral to the Written.

Accessibility for women, as a recognition of justice in feminism,

But the main thing is the Torah for non-Jews and its worldwide dissemination!

The TORA is the foundation of the world's three leading faiths,

Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

Now everyone can study the Torah – the source of sacred knowledge,

However, the choice is up to the individual.

The Torah is given in the poetic presentation of Sergiush Manzhievsky

Author of the poem Sergiusz Mangiejewski

Translation from Russian into English with the help of DeepL Translate

Cover designer Vera Filatova

© Vera Filatova, cover design, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-5343-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


On the holiday of Simchat Torah, Jews make merry and dance with the scrolls of the TORAH̀,
On this day, the cycle of studying the chapters of the Torah ends and begins again.
The Torah is the Book of Books, G-d’s imperishable and priceless creation, there is no room for debate!
The TORAH was given by G-d to Israel, for their commitment and love for Him.
There was no Word, no time, no matter, no space,
One G-d in spiritual essence, and He was pleased to create the world.
Something out of Nothing? There were only His Utterances and transcendent Light,
This cannot be understood and comprehended, but only accepted and lived.
To get to the basics of understanding of the Most High,
It is necessary to master the available knowledge for enlightenment.
Only after that can it descend upon man,
The revelation of the Infinite Creator, as a result of His favour.
The Torah is the essence of G-d’s revelation,
It reflects the will and wisdom of G-d on the level of all worlds.
TORAH is the embodiment of the essence of the universe,
The cornerstone of the spirituality of the essence of the fundamentals.
With the acceptance of the Torah, the Jews placed a burden of responsibility on themselves.
After all, the world is like a Temple and needs purification and illumination constantly.
The degradation of the Jewish people is detrimental to the world, as time has shown,
The spiritual uplift of the children of Israel, on the contrary, perfects the world unceasingly.
Every observant Jew is daily obligated,
To go beyond his desires, habits, passions.
Only by fulfilling G-d’s blessings and Tora’s commands,
The soul’s ascent is possible, the fulfilment of its mission.
The cornerstone of TORAH is the demand for sympathy and respect,
The principle: ‘what is not pleasing to you, do not do to another’.
There is an aspiration to the place of G-d’s stay – the transformation of this world,
Having received forgiveness from the wronged one, the guilty one is worthy of forgiveness from G-d Himself.
The true individuality of Man depends on the depth of his connection with G-d,
The ways through which G-dliness is transmitted to people are endless!
The closer a person is to G-d, the more individuality there is in him,
Torah for Jews is synonymous with life, in it and with it, they are eternal!
Accurate adherence to the canons of the Torah can preserve and save,
Both from their own spiritual unlivability and from any misfortune.
To the observant and to the neighbour, favours from the Most High can descend,
Deliverance from ill-will, despair, sickness, poverty and misery.
There have been four revolutions in Judaism in the past time,
The gratuitous study of the Torah, from the Oral to the Written.
Accessibility for women, as a recognition of justice in feminism,
But the main thing is the Torah for non-Jews and its worldwide dissemination!

Book of Genesis

Weekly chapter: Bereshit #1

For six days, G-d’s unfathomable creation of the world continued,
On the first day – light and darkness, on the second day – the firmament, the vaults of the waters,
On the third day, the earth and the flora, On the fourth day, the stars,
On the fifth day, birds and fish, and only on the sixth day was man created.
When G-d created man from the dust of the earth, He breathed into him a ‘living soul’,
Seeing that it was not good for man to be alone, He separated one part of him,
He formed a woman, half a man, but different,
‘Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth,’ G-d blessed people.
G-d saw that the created things were very good and on the seventh day He rested from work,
G-d blessed the seventh day, and as a day of rest, He brightened it.
For people created in His image and likeness, G-d was not stingy with His bounties,
He planted many and various trees in Eden, bearing fruit fit for food.
Adam and Havva are placed by G-d in the Garden of Eden and indulge in pleasure,
Everything is allowed to them, only the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil cannot be eaten.
Under the influence of the Serpent, the most cunning of beasts, Havvah gave in to temptation,
and induced Adam to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree to know good and evil.
For this sin, G-d deprives Adam and Havva of immortality and banishes them from Eden,
She gives birth to her first two sons and Cain kills Abel, his younger brother.
The third son of Havvah – Sheth becomes the forefather of Noah, and Cain condemns himself to wandering,
And G-d regretted that He had created man, and was grieved when He saw how great was the evil of him.

Book of Genesis

Weekly Chapter: Noah #2

Noah is the tenth generation descendant of the son of Havvah and Adam,
He is the only righteous man left on the planet.
G-d tells Noah to build an ark, a flood is coming for human debauchery and mockery,
Noah rescues his family and every creature, docking at the Ararat peaks.
In gratitude for his salvation, Noah makes a sacrifice to G-d,
The L-rd swears not to destroy mankind for its sins any longer.
The story of the Flood belongs to a period of time long ago,
This story adds to the portrait of mankind.
The rainbow was chosen to symbolise the union between G-d and mankind,
as a sign of G-d’s favour after the Flood.
For before G-d, people always appear as His children,
The rainbow is a reminder of our duty to the Creator, the source of all things.
Noah receives commandments from Above, among which is the prohibition of murder and others,
For ten generations then there was one people with one language on Earth.
The people rebelled and built the Tower of Babel. G-d does not forgive for such deeds,
and each of the seventy nations has lived in its own world ever since.
Everything is accounted for, ten generations from Noah to Abram are listed by name by G-d,
By G-d’s command, Avram’s family moves from Ur-Kasdim to the land of Knaan,

С этой книгой читают
Святитель Григорий Богослов: «Ум, рождая слово, выявляет желание духа». Слово – носитель духа, как Христа (Истины), так и диавола (лукавства и лжи). Мы унаследовали волю, поврежденную грехопадением праотцев и, рождаясь во плоти, стали немощны, следовательно, без Божественной помощи свыше сами себя спасти не можем. Изреченное человеком слово, несет в себе дух его, в Слове же Божием сокрыт Дух Святый, очищающий души от ветхих страстей и пороков, и
Здесь собраны стихотворения про моих самых любимых святых. Господь Бог, Божья мать, Николай угодник чудотворец, Великомученик И Целитель Пантелеимон, Преподобный Сергий Радонежский, Блаженная Ксения Петербургская, Преподобный Серафим Саровский, о святых Петр и Феврония, Матрона Московская.
Книга предлагает практические техники для женщин, переживающих кризис или развод. Автор Татьяна Орлова делится методами осознанного дыхания, управления мыслями и визуализации, которые помогут вернуть контроль над жизнью и обрести внутреннюю свободу. Это руководство для тех, кто хочет превратить трудности в новые возможности и создать сильную, уверенную версию себя.
В издании рассматривается центр и место еврейского образования – иешива. В книге изучены история, общие основы, принципы и функционирование учебной деятельности иешивы. В книге также представлены ссылки на иешивы в России. Книга будет интересна всем, кто интересуется еврейским образованием.
Что может приключиться из-за подарочного сертификата на семейную фотосессию.
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