Сергей Каледин - Use of features of the taxation of small business in the USA for modern RUSSIA

Use of features of the taxation of small business in the USA for modern RUSSIA
Название: Use of features of the taxation of small business in the USA for modern RUSSIA
Жанр: Малый и средний бизнес
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Use of features of the taxation of small business in the USA for modern RUSSIA"

Development of small business in the USA can be connected with a number of the reasons among which it is possible to call as the features of historical character connected with emergence and development of the United States and the reasons of tax character. At the same time tax administration allows to apply the special modes to small business and to lower administrative load of small business. In various countries various mechanisms of simplification of tax administration for micro and small enterprises are used, a number of mechanisms can be effectively used in the Russian Federation.

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Kaledin S. Chelyabinsk State University. Email: [email protected], phone +79080542272 (Russia)

ABSTRACT. Development of small business in the USA can be connected with a number of the reasons among which it is possible to call as the features of historical character connected with emergence and development of the United States and the reasons of tax character. So, in each state privileges on taxes which allow to organize in the best way by use of tax planning business can be established. It is represented that the institutionalism is indissoluble with the taxation as in the taxation there are institutes, customs, for example, regarding check of conscientiousness of the taxpayer, use of the special tax treatments and the habits, so at many businessmen and the companies became a habit earlier to pay taxes, to form an overpayment on taxes for the purpose of decrease in risks of additional accrual of penalties, others opposite, created a habit of a conclusion of the capitals abroad to low-tax territories for the purpose of decrease in the tax load. The purpose of formation of institutes is decrease in negative tendencies in the taxation, institutes are capable to improve process of the taxation, including taxation of small business. Improvement of tax administration in the sphere of small business assumes development and realization of actions which, on the one hand, allow to simplify system of tax administration, to reduce a number of hours, spent by taxpayers for stay in taxing authority. At the same time tax administration allows to apply the special modes to small business and to lower administrative load of small business. In various countries various mechanisms of simplification of tax administration for micro and small enterprises are used, a number of mechanisms can be effectively used in the Russian Federation.

Key words. Small business, taxation, collecting of taxes, tax concessions and advantages, Institutsializm, taxation of small business, tax payment, collecting, small enterprise.


The Nobel laureate D. Nort "considers institutes as a set of rules of conduct of individuals, this approach includes the formal laws, and also informal contracts, codes of behavior, restriction drafted by people, and also coercion factors, such as institutes of civil society"1. On the other hand the institutsializm incorporates two important concepts: "institutions" – norms, customs of behavior in society, and "institutes" – fixing of norms and customs in the form of laws, the organizations, institutions"2.

The founder of institutionalism it is considered to be Torsteyn Veblen. The term "institutionalism" was developed by the American economist U. Hamilton in 1916 and defines institute "as a verbal symbol for the description of group of public customs, a way of the thinking which became a habit for group of people or custom of the people"3.

"The world of customs and habits for which we adapt our life represents a texture and indissoluble fabric of institutes"4.

John R. Commons5 defines "institute as collective actions for control, release and expansion of individual action". Its forms are:

– unorganized custom;

– organized actions of the enterprise.

And the institutional economy is represented to it behavioural, and behavior of individuals in the course of participation in transactions.

The behavior of businessmen and the organized operating small enterprises within institutional economy can differ.

Within the economic growth, simplification of tax administration, simplification of procedures of business of action of small business entities are directed on:

– registration of the new companies;

– increase in jobs;

– tax payment and collecting;

– conscientious execution of the duties before the state.

In the conditions of economic contraction and crisis, increase in taxes which are not able to pay small business entities actions of small business entities are opposite and directed on:

– closing of the companies;

– dismissal of workers;

– leaving from tax payment;

– creation of schemes of minimization of taxes and tax payment in other countries with the established lower rates of taxes and fees.

The behavior of an individual, and also collective behavior can be aimed at the development of institutes of small business, development of business with simultaneous cultivation of culture of tax payment and collecting. For this purpose observance of a number of conditions, such as cultivation and strengthening of enterprise culture, simplification of procedures of business, simplification of procedures of tax payment, and also the help in tax payment, submission of declarations and establishment of interaction between the state and the taxpayer at the confidential level is required. It is possible to agree with Suleymanovy M.M.6 which considers institutional aspect from the point of view of social justice, economic efficiency, uniformity of distribution of tax base. From the point of view of the individual entrepreneur and the subject of small business, the microenterprises the taxes paid by the specific subject of economic activity have to be spent effectively, including taking into account further priorities of business, such as development of infrastructure, highways, support of socially oriented and manufacturing installations. Social justice from the point of view of small business entities is the indicator of efficiency of a collecting of taxes. Gordeeva O.V. notes "fiscal regulation as the tool of the institutional environment has high chances of big efficiency in the sphere of support of MSP"7.

Factors of the demotivating behavior of small business entities are factors of irrational use of the budgetary money, the crisis phenomena in economies, lack of culture of business, projects of increase in taxes and fees, and also emergence of non-tax payments in the budget which actually have the economic nature of taxes as possess the taxation object, have the established rates.

Institutional approach is considered by the Russian scientists not only from the point of view of social justice and economic efficiency. Matveeva O.E.8 suggests to use this approach for providing system of local self-government, saying that "approach allows to develop the idea of the operated institutionalization of system of local finance", and as the main method of transformation of financing offers decentralization of public administration. Lomtidze O.V., Tinyakova V.I.

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