Андрей Тихомиров - Western oligarchic elites – Rockefellers

Western oligarchic elites – Rockefellers
Название: Western oligarchic elites – Rockefellers
Жанр: Историческая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Western oligarchic elites – Rockefellers"

The current world processes (the remaking of the remade world) resemble the processes that took place in human society at the stage of transition from the tribal system to the state, however, unevenly among different peoples, and which were called military democracy. Gradually, the leaders who successfully waged wars intensified, ceased to reckon with the elders, using hypnotist priests (these are the gods who behave like humans) to ideologically subordinate their tribesmen, they began to inherit their power. They seized the best lands, received the lion's share of the loot, put their henchmen everywhere, etc. On the other hand, the leaders (kings, tsars) made their power hereditary, and eventually absolute, it was against her that the blows of the oligarchs with the help of revolutionaries were directed, starting from the time of the Dutch revolution of the XVI-XVII centuries.

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Formation of oligarchic clans

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, monopolies began to arise in the world, led by oligarchs, who act exactly the same as the rising leaders, only even more sophisticated. They change their own henchmen “like gloves", launching the mechanism of “democracy”, behind the scenes “direct” the processes they need in the “right” direction, demonstrating to the inexperienced layman that they are allegedly fighting for democratic ideals, which have long become an empty sound for them. The oligarchs actually made their power hereditary, after their demise, oligarchic wealth and influence are inherited. This is evidenced by the numerous offspring of oligarch families.

The seizure of power by certain revolutionaries does not solve anything by itself. It's just that the evil king should be replaced by a good king, as the silent majority still believes. However, private ownership of public means of production (land, factories, factories, etc.) inevitably generates oligarchs who strive to get maximum profit by hook or by crook – this is an unshakable law of capitalism and this regardless of the personal qualities of a capitalist, he may be kind, he may be treacherous. Karl Marx in Capital explains this perfectly, that is, the proletariat (workers) is not determined by what personal property they own. A proletarian may have an apartment, a cottage, and a car, but this does not stop him from being a worker if he does not own the means of production and cannot dispose of the results of his labor himself. Today, one can talk for a long time about the changed living conditions and the obsolescence of Marx, but the prevailing mode of production remains unchanged in the world – the exploitation of man by man, that is, capital.

The world oligarchy is formed due to social development, the root cause of which is the development of capitalism. Moreover, the global oligarchy is not a fiend, it just fights with other oligarchic groups in an endless struggle for survival. From the point of view of ethology (the science of animal behavior), animal behavior depends on a stimulus (key stimuli) and internal processes and agents (in particular, hormones secreted into the blood and tissue fluid by the endocrine glands) that affect growth, etc. The fittest individuals can take over a large territory, produce more offspring and pass on their genes to the next generation. The "struggle for the female" (mating fights) led in ancient times to the prohibition of incest (incest) in kindred communities, the male created a harem of females, other males could not mate with females. When the main male weakened or died, a struggle for power, females, and territory began – the scenario was repeated. In many ancient states, the custom of physically testing rulers for a long time persisted – in wrestling, running, etc., if the ruler did not cope with the task, he was killed or removed from power. In Ancient Egypt, after a certain time, the ruler had to publicly prove his strength in order to continue to rule, because not only the ability to protect the country from enemies depended on his strength, but, according to the ideas of the time, the yield of the land, the fertility of livestock, the happiness and prosperity of his subjects, if he could not prove his strength, he was put to death and they were replaced by a younger one. The same is observed in animals – the weakened leader of the pack is expelled or killed. Each population of living organisms has its own territory, which it protects from outsiders, especially from those who occupy the same ecological niche. All this is also observed in the constant wars between various rival groups throughout the history of mankind, which continues to this day.

The wealth of the wealthy clans of America and Europe is not limited to highly profitable assets around the world. There is something more fundamental, namely the US Federal Reserve System. According to legend, the organization was conceived at the beginning of the last century by a group of those same bankers – the Morgans, Rockefellers, Kuhn, Loebs, Goldmans, Mellons, Saxons, Dupons, etc. The decisive rally took place at the end of November 1910 at John Morgan's "hunting lodge" on Jekyll Island off the east coast of the United States.

"Republican Senator Nelson Aldrich, John Rockefeller's father-in-law, was engaged in lobbying for the Federal Reserve Act in parliament. Unfortunately, from the first time in 1912, he failed to push through the cherished document called the Aldrich Plan. Subsequently, the reformers removed the name of Republican Aldrich from the name of the annoying Democrats, made a number of minor changes to the document and re-launched it as an initiative of the Democrats. Thus, after the sophisticated manipulations of the banking circle, the Federal Reserve Act was successfully ratified in 1913. Interestingly, the vote in the upper house of Congress took place on December 23, and on Christmas Eve there were very few senators in the meeting room.

This is how the "hydra Fed" was born, which performs the functions of the Central Bank with a small caveat. The Fed's form of capital is private – equity. The structure of this corporation consists of 12 federal reserve banks and numerous private banks. The latter are shareholders of the Fed and receive a fixed 6% per annum in dividends on their membership fees, regardless of the income of the Federal Reserve. Currently, about 38% of all banks and credit unions in the United States (approximately 5.6 thousand legal entities) are involved in this structure. The Fed's shares do not give the right of control, they cannot be sold or mortgaged. Moreover, their acquisition is the official duty of each member bank to invest in them an amount equal to 3% of their capital. The main advantage of the status of a member bank is loans from the reserve banks of the Federal Reserve.

No one knows which structures the US Federal Reserve actually belongs to. Only the close friendly and family ties of all the heads of the Fed with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, as well as the history of the creation of the Federal Reserve, indicate them as the true owners. However, in the 70s of the last century, some information was leaked to the press through a research journalist Rob Kirby, who published a list of organizations that own the Fed. However, all these banks have long disappeared through mergers or acquisitions with others. All except one – Bank of England (Bank of London).

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