Андрей Тихомиров - All people are relatives!

All people are relatives!
Название: All people are relatives!
Жанры: Научные доклады | Палеонтология | Научно-популярная литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "All people are relatives!"

It has been scientifically proven that man is a mutated monkey (Homo sapiens) and the closest relatives to us according to the decoded genome are primates. Everything else (creationism, the "selectivity" of certain peoples) is nothing more than self-deception. Man, just like other beings, did not appear as a result of the actions of "divine forces", but only through mutations, genetic changes.

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All people are relatives! It has been scientifically proven that man is a mutated monkey (Homo sapiens) and the closest relatives to us according to the decoded genome are primates. Everything else (creationism, the "selectivity" of certain peoples) is nothing more than self-deception. Man, just like other beings, did not appear as a result of "divine forces", but only through mutations, genetic changes. The main mutation occurred about 2.4 million years ago in a gene that controls the development of jaw muscles and in modern humans is called MYH16. As a result of this seemingly small change in the genome, the jaw muscles of our ancestors began to weaken, which forced the use of the first tools – a digging stick and a nucleus (processed stone), the future prototype of the scepter and the power of royalty. It was the change in the jaw muscles, which, having become less powerful, exerted less pressure on the skull, which ensured its different structure, allowing the development of a much larger brain, because only human cubs have non-overgrown places on the head (fontanelles), which are delayed over time by 3-5 years. No other living beings have this! According to the latest scientific research, all modern diverse humanity comes from one small African tribe. But there were other types of people: Neanderthals, Pithecanthropus, Synanthropus and others, some of them died out, some assimilated with Homo sapiens.

There is also a mathematical proof of kinship, in this case from the point of view of increasing the number of relatives exponentially (with an average difference between generations of 25-35 years): any person has 1 two parents 2, they also have two parents, that is, it turns out four 4, further 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048… 8 589 934 592 In other words, 1000 years ago, any living person had more ancestors than now lives on the whole globe. The answer to the paradox is simple: in fact, there are many times fewer ancestors, since people entered into incestuous contacts (incest), often without knowing about it. If you go back to more ancient times, then, of course, there will be even more ancestors.

Some consider early humans in China to be transitioning from an upright man to an Asian lineage with modern anatomy. The authors of the work on Homo longi have a different opinion: the "dragon man" is an independent branch that arose in Africa about a million years ago.

Having no analysis of ancient DNA in their hands, scientists applied the Bayesian approach – a mathematical method that allows you to build an evolutionary tree based on heterogeneous source data. According to calculations, intelligent man lived on the territory of China already 400 thousand years ago. This contradicts the results obtained earlier.

In 1978, two incomplete human skulls and bone fragments were found during excavations in the Apidima cave in northern Greece. Anthropologists have determined that one belonged to early Homo sapiens, the other to a Neanderthal. The uranium-thorium method showed the age of the find – 210 thousand years. This is the oldest intelligent person outside the ancestral homeland. However, some researchers doubt that the skulls from Harbin and Apidima can be attributed to Homo sapiens, and criticize the dating.

And here is a new sensation – in Israel, several fragments of a 140-120 thousand-year-old skull were found in the Nesher Ramla cave. They combine archaic and advanced Neanderthal features, so scientists consider them as a special ancestral line of this kind of people. And given the general details with two more types of people, a hypothesis about a special line of Neanderthal ancestors, isolated about 400 thousand years ago and ended its existence in Nesher Ramla, suggests itself. At the same time, Sapiens had already settled in the caves to the north of them.

So far, the history of the human race is rather complicated and far from complete. The reason for this is a lot of finds not only in Europe and Africa, but also in the Middle East, in China. And, of course, this is not the limit. Different degrees of preservation, a variety of techniques open up a wide scope for interpretation. One thing is clear: for the last 200 thousand years, the planet has been inhabited by many populations of ancient people, including Homo sapiens. They actively migrated, exchanged technologies, and possibly interbred.

The earth, whether we want it or not, is invaded by monkeys who call themselves the first (primate from Latin. primatus is the first place, seniority) and whatever one may say, but the so–called intelligent people (Homo sapiens) are just one of the 200 species currently living – from lemurs to humans of the order of primates or monkeys. Well, what kind of monkeys, to one degree or another, many people know: loud, noisy, with a herd instinct, with a pronounced hierarchical system of dominance-subordination, matriarchy prevails in many species of monkeys. Emotions, grimacing, clowning, etc. in monkeys often prevail over reason. All this also takes place in man, the first monkey of the planet.

Finds of the remains of various humanoid creatures, such as Pithecanthropus, Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals, which modern science considers the ancestors of man, are not uncommon. Such finds are periodically made by archaeologists in very ancient layers – over 30, 50 and even 100 thousand years.

Modern science believes that the creation of man is associated with genetic mutations, ancient viruses. Various viruses embedded in the genome of ancient hominids (humanoid creatures) led to the formation of diverse humanoid creatures. Of these, eventually, in the course of an endless struggle for existence, the modern species – homo sapiens – won. At the same time, there were other types of hominid humanoid creatures, studies of recently discovered burial grounds in Kenya (east Africa) indicate that homo habilis (skilled man) and homo erectus (homo erectus) lived side by side. They could mate and, apparently, from this promiscuity (unlimited sexual relations), the modern species, homo sapiens, originated. And all the diversity of humanoid beings, modern races, is the result of an endless struggle for existence, when humanoid beings had sexual contacts with close species and not only, for example, various forms of sexual relations are known – bestiality, necrophilia, homosexuality, etc.

French scientists from the University of Rouen discovered a new strain of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in 2009. According to them, it is transmitted to humans from gorillas. This is the first recorded case of HIV infection from primates, with the exception of chimpanzees – three known types of immunodeficiency virus have passed to humans from these primates. The virus was detected in a French-born woman living in Cameroon. She did not eat monkey meat, so scientists believe that the infection occurred sexually from another person.

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