Александр Павленко - Английский язык. Рассказы. Уровень В2+

Английский язык. Рассказы. Уровень В2+
Название: Английский язык. Рассказы. Уровень В2+
Жанры: Разговорники | Самоучители
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "Английский язык. Рассказы. Уровень В2+"

Настоящее пособие завершает серию учебников, в основе которых лежит метод Речевой плазмы (the Speech Plasma Method). Если целью первых книг было научить говорить на английском языке, используя минимум лексических и грамматических средств, то данное пособие направлено на обучение уверенной, спонтанной речи во всей ее сложности и разнообразии. Учебник состоит из двадцати рассказов-историй из реальной жизни носителей английского языка, записанных с их слов, в результате бесед с ними в непринужденной, доверительной обстановке. Каждый рассказ сопровождается микротекстами-тренингами, которые, по методу Речевой плазмы, активизируют и совершенствуют свободную речь обучаемого.

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A Trip to Crete

Last year my wife and I spent our holidays in Crete, the southernmost island in Greece, and we made lots of little excursions there into the countryside. On one occasion, we wanted to visit the south side of the island, where there are some ruins from the Roman times and from a former monastery. We went there by bus, travelling along tiny little windy roads. It was quite frightening to watch how the bus driver was manoeuvring the vehicle around all of the twisty curves in the road, quite breathtaking. At every curve we were scared that the bus would crash, and the bus driver had to signal with his horn at each turning as it was impossible to see if any traffic was coming from the other direction and there wasn’t enough space on the road for two vehicles to pass side by side.

When we arrived at the nearest bus stop to the ruins, we could see them in the distance, and we could see that there were only two ways to get there – on foot, or by boat, if we had one, which we didn’t. So, we started walking in that direction, along a dried up river bed. From the map it seemed that the distance we had to walk was about three kilometres, but it must have been longer, as it took us about three hours of difficult climbing and scrambling over rocks to get there.

At one point on the way we reached the top of a hill, from which we had an amazing view of the ruins. There we met a boy from France, who we shared friendly gestures with, but couldn’t really speak with as we didn’t speak a foreign language. We climbed down from there together, into the grounds of the ruins. There was a fence blocking our path, but it was quite small and easy to climb over.

In the grounds of the ruins were some very twisty, gnarled old olive trees, and at the entrance we found a beautiful mosaic from the Roman times, leading to many little paths. The monastery was very small. Each of the monks’ cells were just tiny little box-like rooms, two by three metres in size. The whole place had a beautiful, ancient atmosphere.

By the time we got there we were very tired after so much walking and weren’t looking forward to the long trek back to the bus stop. We weren’t even sure that we would get there in time for the last bus. Fortunately, we met a fisherman on the beach, who was there fishing for octopuses. He was kind enough to take us back to the road by boat, which only took about ten or fifteen minutes, and the walk to the bus stop from where he dropped us off was very short. We were well in time to catch the bus. We were very happy, if a little exhausted, after a nice, interesting trip.

A Trip to Crete

1. Where did they spend their holidays last year?

2. What did they do while on holiday?

3. Why did they want to visit the south part of the island?

4. How did they get there?

5. Why did they find their trip frightening?

6. What were they afraid of?

7. Why did the driver have to signal with his horn at turnings?

8. How could they get to the ruins from the bus stop?

9. How long did it take them to get there?

10. Where did they meet a boy from France?

11. What was the trouble communicating with him?

12. What did they have to get over when they got to the ruins?

13. What did they find at the entrance of the ruins?

14. What size were the monks’ cells?

15. What did they think of the place?

16. Why weren’t they eager to walk back to the bus stop?

17. What could happen if they had walked to the bus stop?

18. Who did they meet?

19. What was the fisherman doing there?

20. What was the favour he did them?

21. How long did the boat trip take?

22. Did the fisherman drop them off at the bus stop?

23. How did they reach the bus stop then?

24. Did they catch the last bus?

25. How did they feel at the end of the day?

A Trip to Crete

Training 1

They went there by bus, travelling along tiny little windy roads. It was quite frightening to watch how the bus driver was manoeuvring the vehicle around all of the twisty curves in the road, quite breathtaking. At every curve they were scared that the bus would crash, and the bus driver had to signal with his horn at each turning as it was impossible to see if any traffic was coming from the other direction.

Training 2

There were only two ways to get to the ruins – on foot, or by boat. So, they started walking in that direction, along a dried-up riverbed. From the map it seemed that the distance they had to walk was about three kilometres, but it must have been longer, as it took them about three hours of difficult climbing and scrambling over rocks to get there.

Training 3

At one point on the way they reached the top of a hill, from which they had an amazing view of the ruins. There they met a boy from France, who they shared friendly gestures with, but couldn’t really speak with as they didn’t speak a foreign language. They climbed down from there together, into the grounds of the ruins. There was a fence blocking their path, but it was quite small and easy to climb over.

Training 4

In the grounds of the ruins were some very twisty, gnarled old olive trees, and at the entrance they found a beautiful mosaic from the Roman times, leading to many little paths. The monastery was very small. Each of the monks’ cells were just tiny little box-like rooms, two by three metres in size. The whole place had a beautiful, ancient atmosphere.

Training 5

Fortunately, they met a fisherman on the beach, who was there fishing for octopuses. He was kind enough to take them back to the road by boat, which only took about ten or fifteen minutes, and the walk to the bus stop from where he dropped them off was very short. They were well in time to catch the bus. They were very happy, if a little exhausted, after a nice, interesting trip.

Pub Music in Edinburgh

I first became involved in playing Irish music many years ago when I first visited Ireland and was greatly inspired after attending some great folk festivals there. The first one I went to was in County Sligo, in Ballisadare. There were so many great groups playing there – DeDanaan, The Bothy Band, Clannad, all the best-known Irish musicians of that time. There were thousands of tents and thousands of people everywhere, and there was a really great atmosphere. The whole thing lasted for three days, and I had a really nice time.

What struck me most was the power of the sound of the fiddle, such a fantastic instrument. I took up the fiddle when I was a small child but dropped it when I came to the age of about thirteen. But after seeing those folk play in Ireland, well, I had to pick it up again. I brought some sheet music back from Ireland, and when I got back home to Dorchester, joined a local folk music club and tried a few tunes. First, we played the tunes very slowly. You wouldn’t recognize them because they were so slow, but gradually I learnt a few of them by heart.

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Для тех, кто начал изучать английский язык и хотел бы научиться говорить и думать на этом языке за максимально короткий срок. Пособие содержит ту необходимую грамматику английского языка, без которой невозможно начать говорить: всего пять грамматических разделов, каждый из которых включает упражнения-тренинги и образцы предложений по пятидесяти темам. Обучение основано на методе Речевой плазмы (The Speech Plasma Method).
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Эти диалоги и микро рассказы (пересказы диалогов) научат вас говорить и думать по-английски! В данном пособии сорок диалогов и сто двадцать микро рассказов – каждый диалог сопровождается тремя текстами-пересказами. Диалоги и пересказы – это тренинг по составлению рассказов. Пересказы-тренинги, составлены в соответствии с принципами метода Речевой плазмы (the Speech Plasma Method). Материал усваивается удивительно легко, так как самые важные слова
Эти диалоги и микрорассказы (пересказы диалогов) научат вас говорить и думать по-венгерски! В данном пособии сорок диалогов и сто двадцать микрорассказов – каждый диалог сопровождается тремя текстами-пересказами. Диалоги и пересказы – это тренинг по составлению рассказов. Пересказы-тренинги составлены в соответствии с принципами метода Речевой плазмы (the Speech Plasma Method). Материал усваивается удивительно легко, так как самые важные слова и
Цель книг, входящих в серию “Разговорный английский. Экспресс-курс” – быстро научиться говорить на английском языке. Практически все люди, независимо от их образования, в повседневной жизни используют простую речь – простые предложения в прошедшем, настоящем и будущем времени. Но темы, на которые человек может говорить с другими людьми, напрямую зависят от его словарного запаса. В основе английского языка лежат неопределенные времена, или как их
Цель книг, входящих в серию “Разговорный английский. Экспресс – курс” – быстро научить Вас говорить на английском языке. Практически все люди, независимо от их образования, в повседневной жизни используют простую речь – простые предложения в прошедшем, настоящем и будущем времени. Но темы, на которые человек может говорить с другими людьми, напрямую зависят от его словарного запаса. В основе английского языка лежат неопределенные времена, или как
Цель книг, входящих в серию “Разговорный английский. Экспресс – курс” – быстро научиться говорить на английском языке. Практически все люди, независимо от их образования, в повседневной жизни используют простую речь – простые предложения в прошедшем, настоящем и будущем времени. Но темы, на которые человек может говорить с другими людьми, напрямую зависят от его словарного запаса. В основе английского языка лежат неопределенные времена, или как и
Серия “Разговорный английский. Продвинутый – курс” – это логическое продолжение курса “Разговорный английский. Экспресс – курс”.Этот курс подойдет для тех, кто обладает начальными знаниями английского языка и хочет развить их до совершенства. Проработав все книги данной серии, Ваш уровень английского языка будет сопоставим с уровнем выпускников иняза, а Ваш словарный запас позволит Вам легко общаться с теми, для кого английский язык является родн
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