Henri Mallet - How to get rid of a ghost

How to get rid of a ghost
Название: How to get rid of a ghost
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Детская проза | Детская фантастика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "How to get rid of a ghost"

Have you read the title of the story and decided to find out the secret? And you will recognize him! Or maybe you are one of those who think that there are no ghosts? I beg of you! Tell this to someone who hasn't met them yet! And for those who have already met them, but cannot get along, who dream of getting rid of them, I will tell you one practical secret: how to quickly and inexpensively drive out an impudent ghost from your home. Trust me – it's easier than you think!

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Sit back and listen carefully. I will tell you how to get rid of a ghost. It may not be the most suitable means, but it was the day it worked! Here’s what happened.

Lisa and John spent their last vacation at the house of their dear granny. She lived at an old family estate, in a huge mansion with a swimming pool and a park. It was built back in the old days when a ghost would always be found in any decent house. Don't believe me? Then you should visit an old castle! There you can hear with your own ears the mournful, piercing sighs and groans let out by the ghost. And if you're lucky, maybe you can see it, too! So, what was I talking about? Oh yes, I wanted to tell you how to get rid of a ghost.

Lisa just turned twelve years old. It is also important to add that she studied piano at the conservatory. And, of course, Lisa diligently continued to make music even during the holidays. At Granny's mansion, there was an old, but extravagant grand piano in the living room. Lisa enjoyed how its deep, beautiful sound touched her soul. One day, when her grandmother and brother went to the dentist, Lisa decided to study a new piece on the piano. She was in the middle of practice when she noticed a beautiful brooch with large emeralds laying on the piano keys just off to her side. Lisa was sure that there was nothing there just a second ago!

«Oh! What is this?» exclaimed the girl and picked up the brooch.

She immediately pricked her finger and dropped the brooch back on the keys. Then Lisa heard the gentle ringing of a bell, and a girl of about her age appeared in front of her, dressed in an emerald-colored silk dress embroidered with lace and rhinestones. The girl was sitting on the lid of the piano, smiling and swaying her legs, shod in elegant silk shoes. She exclaimed joyfully:

«It worked! I did it! Can you see me?»

«Who are you?» said Lisa, examining the uninvited guest and sucking her pricked finger.

«So, you see me!» the girl in the emerald dress continued to smile admiringly.

«Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you get here?» Lisa looked at the guest in complete bewilderment.

«My name is Paula. I lived in a neighboring house in the De Bellier estate, and everything was fine for hundreds of years, but recently new owners moved in. They are so evil, nasty, and disgusting. They kicked me out!» Paula looked slyly at Lisa and prepared to cry.

«Interesting…» Lisa muttered, looking in disbelief at her new acquaintance.

«And so I was able to move to your house. I like it here! And I decided that I will live in your room!» Paula added happily.

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