Виктор Никитин - Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть VII. Литературные выражения.

Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть VII. Литературные выражения.
Название: Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть VII. Литературные выражения.
Жанр: Современная проза
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть VII. Литературные выражения."

Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз – практическое руководство по соответствующим выражениям, ярким сравнениям, литературным, коммерческим, разговорным и ораторским терминам для украшения речи и письма, а также расширения словарного запаса тех, кто читает, пишет и говорит по-английски. Пособие включает одиннадцать частей, которые составляют одиннадцать томов. Часть I. Употребительные фразы. Часть II. Значимые фразы. Часть III. Удачные фразы. Часть IV. Выразительные фразы. Часть V. Предложные фразы. Часть VI. Деловые фразы. Часть VII. Литературные выражения. Часть VIII. Яркие сравнения. Часть IX. Разговорные фразы. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений. Часть XI. Прочие фразы.

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A bitterness crept into her face

A blazing blue sky poured down torrents of light

A book to beguile the tedious hours

A brave but turbulent aristocracy

A broad, complacent, admiring imbecility breathed from his nose and lips

A burlesque feint of evading a blow

A callous and conscienceless brute

A calm and premeditated prudence

A calmness settled on his spirit

A campaign of unbridled ferocity

A carefully appraising eye

A ceaselessly fleeting sky

A certain implication of admiring confidence

A charming air of vigor and vitality

A childish belief in his own impeccability

A cold, hard, frosty penuriousness was his prevalent characteristic [penuriousness = stingy; barren; poverty-stricken]

A compassion perfectly angelic

A constant stream of rhythmic memories

A covertly triumphant voice

A creature of the most delicate and rapid responses

A crop of disappointments

A cunning intellect patiently diverting every circumstance to its design

A curious and inexplicable uneasiness

A curious vexation fretted her

A daily avalanche of vituperation [vituperation = harshly abusive language]

A dandified, pretty-boy-looking sort of figure

A dark and relentless fate

A day monotonous and colorless

A dazzling completeness of beauty

A deep and brooding resentment

A delicious throng of sensations

A deliciously tantalizing sense

A detached segment of life

A dire monotony of bookish idiom

A disheveled and distraught figure

A face singularly acute and intelligent

A faint accent of reproach

A faint sense of compunction moved her

A faint, transient, wistful smile lightened her brooding face

A faint tremor of amusement was on his lips

A faintly quizzical look came into his incisive stare

A fawn-colored sea streaked here and there with tints of deepest orange

A fever of enthusiasm

A few tears came to soften her seared vision

A fiery exclamation of wrath and disdain

A figure full of decision and dignity

A firm and balanced manhood

A first faint trace of irritation

A fitful boy full of dreams and hopes

A flame of scarlet crept in a swift diagonal across his cheeks

A fleeting and furtive air of triumph

A flood of pride rose in him

A foreboding of some destined change

A fortuitous series of happy thoughts

A frigid touch of the hand

A fugitive intangible charm

A gay exuberance of ambition

A generation of men lavishly endowed with genius

A gentle sarcasm ruffled her anger

A ghastly whiteness overspread the cheek

A glance of extraordinary meaning

A glassy expression of inattention

A glassy stare of deprecating horror

A glittering infectious smile

A gloom overcame him

A golden haze of pensive light

A golden summer of marvelous fertility

A graceful readiness and vigor

A grave man of pretending exterior

A great pang gripped her heart

A great process of searching and shifting

A great sickness of heart smote him

A great soul smitten and scourged, but still invested with the dignity of immortality

A grim and shuddering fascination

A gush of entrancing melody

A gusty breeze blew her hair about unheeded

A half-breathless murmur of amazement and incredulity

A half-uneasy, half-laughing compunction

A harassing anxiety of sorrow

A harvest of barren regrets

A haunting and horrible sense of insecurity

A heavy oppression seemed to brood upon the air

A helpless anger simmered in him

A hint of death in the icy breath of the gale

A hot and virulent skirmish

A hot uprush of hatred and loathing

A kind of ineffable splendor crowns the day

A lapse from the well-ordered decencies of civilization

A large, rich, copious human endowment

A late star lingered, remotely burning

A laugh of jovial significance

A light of unwonted pleasure in her eyes [unwonted = unusual]

A little jaded by gastronomical exertions

A lukewarm and selfish love

A man of imperious will [imperious = arrogantly domineering]

A man of matchless modesty and refinement

A manner bright with interest and interrogation

A manner nervously anxious to please

A melancholy monotone beat on one's heart

A mere exhibition of fussy diffuseness

A mere figment of a poet's fancy

A mien and aspect singularly majestic [mien = bearing or manner]

A mild and deprecating air

A mind singularly practical and sagacious [sagacious = wise]

A mouth of inflexible decision

A murmur of complacency

A mystery everlastingly impenetrable

A nameless sadness which is always born of moonlight

A new and overmastering impulse

A new doubt assailed her

A new marvel of the sky

A new trouble was dawning on his thickening mental horizon

A nimble-witted opponent

A painful thought was flooding his mind

A pang of jealousy not unmingled with scorn

A patience worthy of admiration

A perfect carnival of fun

A perfect crime of clumsiness

A piteous aspect of woe

A portent full of possible danger

A potion to be delicately supped at leisure

A powerful agitation oppressed him

A prevailing sentiment of uneasy discontent

A prey to listless uneasiness

A profound and absorbing interest

A profound and eager hopefulness

A profound and rather irritating egotist by nature

A prop for my faint heart

A propitious sky, marbled with pearly white [propitious = favorable; kindly; gracious]

A protest wavered on her lip

A puissant and brilliant family [puissant = powerful; mighty]

A queer, uncomfortable perplexity began to invade her

A quick flame leaped in his eyes

A quick shiver ruffled the brooding stillness of the water

A quiver of resistance ran through her

A remarkable fusion of morality and art

A random gleam of light

A rare and dazzling order of beauty

A rhythmical torrent of eloquent prophecy

A river of shame swept over him

A sad inquiry seemed to dwell in her gaze

A satisfied sense of completeness

A secret sweeter than the sea or sky can whisper

A sensation of golden sweetness and delight

A sense of desolation and disillusionment overwhelmed me

A sense of infinite peace brooded over the place

A sense of meditative content

A sense of repression was upon her

A sentiment of distrust in its worth had crept into her thoughts

A sheaf of letters

A shimmer of golden sun shaking through the trees

A shiver of apprehension crisped her skin

A shuffling compromise between defiance and prostration

A sigh of large contentment

A sight for the angels to weep over

A skepticism which prompted rebellion

A slight movement of incredulous dissent

A smile full of subtle charm

A smile of exquisite urbanity

A soft insidious plea

A soft intonation of profound sorrow

A soft suspicion of ulterior motives

A solemn glee possessed my mind

A solemn gray expanse that lost itself far away in the gray of the sea

A solemn utterance of destiny

A somber and breathless calm hung over the deepening eve

A somewhat melancholy indolence

A somewhat sharp and incisive voice

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