Анна Морион, Дарья Нестерук - Raven's Soul. Volume 2

Raven's Soul. Volume 2
Название: Raven's Soul. Volume 2
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Любовное фэнтези | Историческое фэнтези
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Raven's Soul. Volume 2"

Intrigues and mystery cover Kaldwind. Sylvia leaves on a dangerous journey, and Derek fights for the right to remain king. Will the heroes make it through the misery? Will they reunite? Or will the Darkness consume everything in its path, leaving them no chance for a happy, peaceful future?

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Chapter 1

A thick fog hovered over an unassuming cottage standing in the middle of a vast, wide field. It, in turn, was surrounded by the massive mountains that ringed it. The dark-haired beauty and her companion dismounted, and a beautiful picture appeared before their eyes: on the tops of the mighty mountains, these stone giants, there was snow white, like flour. However, despite the icy carpet covering the mountains, the field was full of blooming herbs like colorful lanterns, which were so tightly pressed together, as if trying to shelter themselves from the cold wind blowing from the mountain ring.

Sylvia was here for the first time and gazed with all her eyes at this marvelous beauty, wishing to keep it in her memory. Looking at her companion and her wide-open eyes, the court healer smiled softly: he had lived here for many years, and his heart was glad to return to this secluded place.

It was a cozy valley hidden from the eyes of others, with rich vegetation, bright green meadows, noisy azure-blue waterfalls, swift azure-blue waterfalls, swift clear rivers, an abundance of various springs, and exceptionally clean, always cool air, saturated with the tart smell of resin and pine needles. The valley was a splendid refuge for those who desired peace, and Evans Vallas was such a person – the only inhabitant of this place, but he had left it for a flattering position of court physician in the palace of King Kaldwind.

After admiring nature, the companions guided their horses to a small two-story house beside a babbling brook and surrounded by wild apple and pear trees. The juicy ripe fruit was so plentiful that the ground in front of the house was strewn with fallen and rotting fruit.

The house, built of dark stone, looked rather gloomy and unfriendly, but when Sylvia dismounted and went inside, a smile lit up her face: how many interesting things this house hid! How many different interesting magical devices and implements it contained! All this magical wealth reminded her of the happy times when, as a little girl, she had helped her father in his closed workshop, where he experimented with potions and stones.

Suddenly Sylvia felt some strange aura coming from one of the rooms, and the girl decided to be sure to ask Evans about it.

– Welcome to Emmerlend," the young healer said in a calm tone, a smile on his face as he entered the house. – I have the horses in a small stable behind the house.

– Thank you. It's good to hear that our faithful friends can rest a little from their journey, and that they won't have to sleep outdoors this time, and neither will we," Sylvia said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. – It's very nice and cozy here…" She grinned and lowered her head, "It's funny, after I got married, I was supposed to live with my husband in the palace, but I ended up in another man's house.

The sad notes in her voice did not escape the attention of her companion.

– I'm sorry you have to go through all this, my queen. You deserve a better fate," Evans said quietly.

– Perhaps, but it seems that Fate has decided everything for me and left me no choice," Sylvia sighed. – No, no… No one forced me to go. It was my decision… And yet, no… It was Hund…" the girl grinned bitterly. – Hund and my love for my husband....

– My queen, would you like to go into the drawing room and have a cup of herbal tea? It has been a long journey and you should rest," Evans interrupted gently, seeing the pain on Sylvia's face.

He had seen that pain more than once: every memory of that mysterious Hund, which she had never told him anything about, made the queen's eyes fill with tears, but she never let them fall. A few sweeps of her long black lashes and the tears were gone, but Sylvia's determination and desire to find the right herbs and return to her husband as soon as possible returned.

– We traveled for a week, and our horses carried us side by side. With you, I was on the ship for the first time, and we have already been involved in interesting, albeit short stories, so you can call me by my name and "you", – announced the demoness, giving the healer a pleasant smile.

– Whatever you say, my queen," Evans said jokingly and gave her a slight bow.

– And please stop calling me 'my queen'. Just Sylvia," the girl said with some pressure in her voice. – Now let's go and try your herbal tea.

POV Sylvia

After our tea party, Evans did a quick magical job of putting things away, and I had time to take a bath, change into a clean dress, and take a seat by the blazing fireplace that my companion had carefully lit. Soon I was joined by the master of the house, and I saw with a little laugh that he had brought with him two iron plates on which were large slices of a beautifully browned cake.

– Help yourselves," Evans said, sitting down in the chair next to mine.

– When did you have time to make all this? – I asked, not having to ask myself twice: I was hungry, and the pie was so deliciously flavorful that my mouth watered.

– I'm a mage, nothing is impossible for me," my friend reminded me, and then sent a piece of pie into my mouth.

– The poor cooks in the royal palace, they have to spend all their time in the kitchen to feed all the loafers who live there… But you can prepare food in minutes," I said, and took a bite of pie.

– You're right, my-" The healer met my gaze. – You're right, Sylvia. Magic is a great help, even in things like cooking. But I don't use it much in the home. I prefer to work with my hands.

– You must just get tired of magic… What's in that room? There's a strange energy about it that makes me a little uncomfortable. – My gaze fell on the oak door near the fireplace and us.

– It's just a room where I keep artifacts, but if you're uncomfortable with its energy, I can seal it," Evans said, following my gaze.

– No need. What are these artifacts? Will you let me look at them?

– Absolutely. If you like any of them, I'd be happy to share them. – A broad smile appeared on the healer's face, and I thought the man was very honorable and tactful, not like Derek.

– Thank you. I appreciate your kindness. – I smiled back at him.

After having some pie for breakfast, we decided to go into town to get some needed items and groceries. As long as my eyes remained blue, I had nothing to fear from the judgment and hatred of others, the main thing was to avoid those who might recognize me as "King Kaldwind's trophy". I went into the small bedroom assigned to me, located on the second floor, and began to get ready for my journey. Suddenly, a muffled female voice reached my ears, causing me to raise my eyebrows in surprise and glance at the door.

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Я не хочу замуж за жуткого оборотня, которого выбрал мой отец, не хочу, чтобы он стал моим первым мужчиной. И поэтому решаюсь на немыслимое – потерять девственность с незнакомцем, почувствовать себя желанной. Ведь свадьба все равно состоится. Потому что от судьбы не убежать, ей можно только покориться. Или пойти наперекор, зная, что во мне бьются два сердца. #чувственно #волнительно #откровенно