Lily Alex - The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town

The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town
Название: The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town
Жанры: Остросюжетные любовные романы | Зарубежные любовные романы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2020
О чем книга "The Russians are Coming!, 14 Months in the Life of the Town"

The novel is an imaginative and spirited narrative embracing both diversity and universality. Set in smalltown America (199~) The Russian newcomers provide a fresh perspective on a close-knit college community. The story follows them and offers to the reader the unique opportunity to explore not only the surface differences between Russian and American lifestyles, but the more profound similarities. Uncertainty, infidelity, and betrayal plague both the immigrants and their fellow townsfolk, but such universal redeemers as love, family, and friendship are the fundamental ties that bind. Narrowed to a specific 14-month time frame, but enhanced with flashbacks and epilogue, the novel shows everyday life in both countries. Jealousies, lusts, and misdemeanors (and even organized crime) have their place, as do finer passions for truth, learning, love. The tale is, by turns, tragic and heartwarming, but always, and ultimately, hope-filled. Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Many Russians live in big American cities. They have their communities; they even have their newspapers and TV stations. But in this small town, which proudly called itself «city,» a siren still sounded every Saturday morning at ten o’clock, reminding the residents of the Cold War.

Six people, who arrived at one time, were the first Russians to ever come to this place. This is why the townspeople were curious, and the town hall was full, when the mayor welcomed the new citizens.

There was a couple without kids: a tall, athletic, broad-shouldered man about forty years old and a woman, who looked to be substantially younger than her husband. Her plain pale face with small, refined features reminded one of a marble mask, and a long, thick chestnut braid adorned her head.

«Vera Grach and Oleg Merkulov,» the mayor introduced the couple, and they waved their hands.

Next was a young family: a slim blonde man, his wife, a stout short woman with doe eyes and curly black hair, and a five-year-old girl.

«Vlad Lapin…» The mayor faltered for a second, seeing the last names of the females written a little bit differently from Vlad’s, with the additional «a» at the end. The mayor thought his secretary had made a mistake. He did not know that it is typical for Russian family names. «Please, greet Nina and Larisa Lapina.»

«Larisa, say „Hello!“» The woman gently pushed her daughter forward, but the shy girl with pigtails and big pretty bows stayed close to her parents, even when the mayor gave her a teddy bear as a welcoming gift from the people of the town.

Last in the queue of people introduced was a slender single girl in her mid-twenties.

Like a cloud, fluffy blonde hair framed her sad face. Her name was Marina Aleksandrova, and she took up a guitar and all the Russians sang the traditional «Katusha,» the song that is played at every hockey game.

That was how the Russians came here.

Chapter 1: The Babysitter

In the students’ laboratory, professor David VanStein was speaking on his cell phone with his wife Megan. «Honey, I bought these tickets almost a month ago! Is it so difficult to find a babysitter? What about Ashley?»

«She can’t today; they’ve some special meeting to attend. She told me about a week ago. I just forgot. Sorry…»

David closed his eyes. «How stupid,» he thought. «She’s sitting all day long at home, and can’t even find a babysitter.»

«Why don’t you ask some student?» Megan suggested.

«Yes, why didn’t I think about it?» The advice of his wife surprised David.

«Okay, I’ll try,» he said coldly and hung up.

He looked around the laboratory, thinking about a possible candidate, and the first person who caught his eye was Marina Aleksandrova.

The teaching assistant was patiently explaining a task to a student. It happened frequently during laboratory work. Lazy or light-minded students did not prepare for the lab, and did not know what was required or how to go about it.

Sometimes the students asked such senseless questions that they astonished David, but Marina listened to them without irritation and peacefully answered.

The professor came close and addressed the student. «You should have read it at home!»

The student made a plaintive face and started making excuses.

«It’s okay.» Marina glanced at David, and turned to the student again. «Did you understand? If you have any questions, I’ll be glad to help.»

The student walked to the lab table, and David shook his head. «I’m simply amazed that you have the patience to explain the same things again and again.»

«I was the oldest child in my family,» Marina answered calmly looking at him. «I’m used to being patient.»

Her odd gaze mixed up his thoughts.

«What strange eyes she has.» For the first time in their communication David noticed it.

Transparent gray-blue, they looked like pieces of frozen water screening her emotions, hiding her thoughts. It was impossible to determine what she felt or what she was thinking about.

«It’s not a girl, but a puzzle,» thought David.

«I’ve never seen you smiling,» he wondered. «Why?»

She didn’t reply.

«I have a problem,» a student interjected, and David forgot what he wanted to ask.

* * * * *

Only at the end of the day did David remember that he had not found a babysitter, but all the students had already left.

«Great!» David thought with bitter sarcasm. «Just great! What am I gonna do now?»

His eyes mechanically took in the empty laboratory, and halted at Marina.

The teaching assistant wrote something in the laboratory book, closed it, and started to pick up her stuff, ready to go home.


«How strange that this idea came to me only now.» he thought.

«Do you have any plans this evening?»

Marina tossed her head and gazed over at him. She came close.

«Why do you ask?» She said tenderly and with such open hope that David was amazed. «I did not plan anything special…»

«Could you baby-sit my kids tonight?» David asked. He saw she was disappointed, and, confounded, he added: «I’ll pay you…»

She snorted; her eyes were as cold as ice.

«No way,» she answered sharply. «I mean, I’ll be happy to do it. But without payment.»

«Why not?»

Not a grin, but a ghostly smile flashed from her lips. «Have you ever heard, „Russians have their own pride?“» Marina went back to her desk and got her purse. «If you want me to baby-sit your kids don’t even try to offer me money.»

Fully confused, David nodded.

* * * * *

«Thank God!» Megan smiled, seeing her husband enter with the girl. Megan addressed her. «Have you ever babysat anyone?»

«I had a younger sister and two brothers,» Marina explained calmly. «My mom often left me with them. Sometimes we spent a few days all alone.»

Her accent surprised Megan, and she recalled that David had told her his teaching assistant was Russian. Deep instinctive fears and worry about her children stirred in Megan’s soul, but she pressed it down with her mind.

«Don’t be stupid,» Megan ordered herself. «Why should we be afraid of her?» And she started to explain to Marina what to do with the kids.

* * * * *

Hannah VanStein hated it when her parents left her at home, like she was a baby. She was seven, almost eight years old, and did not think of herself as a child. She hated all babysitters, and when Megan and Marina entered her room, she started wailing.

«Honey,» Megan pleadingly addressed her. «Marina is a kind lady. Please be a good girl.»

«Don’t worry Mrs. VanStein.» Marina sat down near Hannah’s dollhouse. «We’ll be fine.»

«What did she say?» Hannah did not understand a word. Amazed, she even forgot to cry.

«I said,» Marina carefully pronounced every sound. «I really like the vest on this Barbie.» She pointed to the doll.

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