Александра Егурнова - Тесты для самопроверки по учебному пособию «Upstream Advanced C1». Методические указания по курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык)»

Тесты для самопроверки по учебному пособию «Upstream Advanced C1». Методические указания по курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык)»
Название: Тесты для самопроверки по учебному пособию «Upstream Advanced C1». Методические указания по курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык)»
Жанр: Языкознание
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "Тесты для самопроверки по учебному пособию «Upstream Advanced C1». Методические указания по курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык)»"

Предлагаемые методические указания предназначены для студентов старших курсов лингвистических специальностей. Содержат 10 оригинальных тестов, соответствующих десяти разделам изучаемого учебного пособия «Upstream Advanced C1», авторами которого являются Virginia Evans и Jenny Dooley. Могут быть использованы в качестве дополнительного материала к брошюре «Upstream Advanced: Test Booklet».

Бесплатно читать онлайн Тесты для самопроверки по учебному пособию «Upstream Advanced C1». Методические указания по курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык)»

© Александра Александровна Егурнова, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-6905-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

UNIT 1. Something to shout about!

Task 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space. (40 marks)

1. The company’s …… was to increase productivity by employing more people.

A decision

B objective

C resolution

D desire

2. When I studied, we had no such subject as Business ……

A Morals

B Values

C Rights

D Ethics

3. After many deaths, the survivors longed for some medical ……..

A breakthrough

B revolution

C novelty

D innovation

4. For the …… of finding an affluent husband, hiring a matchmaker is a wise move.

A aim

B purpose

C object

D intention

5. If you didn’t get the job on the grounds of your social ……, you can resort to legal action.

A past

B history

C background

D being

6. Alice couldn’t project a (n) …… image during the casting.

A upbeat

B optimistic

C positive

D cheerful

7. Mark can play computer games on ….. that he does all the work about the house.

A condition

B term

C rule

D decree

8. People used different things to tell the time as far …… as the 9>th century BC.

A behind

B back

C beyond

D before

9. Going to the pictures is a popular pastime among the …… and the old alike.

A youth

B teenagers

C adolescents

D young

10. Peter couldn’t agree that Greg was really a valuable …… to their football team.

A addition

B accumulation

C supplement

D appendage

11. Jill had the necessary competitive …… in order to be first past the post.

A mind

B soul

C spirit

D thought

12. If the restaurant is not situated …… beside the river, I won’t go there.

A exact

B direct

C precise

D right

13. Filing was a tedious task that …… almost 50% of Linda’s time at work.

A covered

B occupied

C received

D completed

14. He thinks he’s fat just because there’s a wide …… of fast food to choose from.

A degree

B variance

C scale

D range

15. ….. relatives usually don’t visit us at all.

A Faraway

B Remote

C Distant

D Slight

16. That pop star is known for his toughness and …… in treating his assistants.

A ruthlessness

B cruelty

C kindness

D manipulation

17. Claire was lucky to …… such a wonderful career opportunity.

A clutch

B follow

C pull

D seize

18. Kate never cooks, she …… her boyfriend to do it for her.

A makes

B gets

C lets

D puts

19. If the boss is not able to attend a meeting, he uses his right to …….

A allot

B entrust

C assign

D delegate

20. Henry likes his old cell phone and really thinks it’s in excellent …….

A state

B condition

C form

D shape

Task 2. Complete sentences with words formed from the words in capitals. (20 marks)

1. Brenda’s friends always treat each other with …… and respect. CIVIL

2. Fast food is thought to be …… to health. DETRIMENT

3. Harry’s parents were very upset as he showed no …… to study. DETERMINE

4. I’m happy Liam had the …… to bring the presentation for the meeting; otherwise our boss would have been furious. SIGHT

5. Lucy was the youngest daughter of a very …… Australian family. PROSPER

6. Nile is living happily in ……, with his pension. RETIRE

7. Paul was determined to become a designer and his …… paid off. PERSIST

8. Rose was too busy at work and missed Jill’s ……. WARM

9. The audience didn’t like the scenario and was also very …… by the actors’ play. IMPRESS

10. The epidemic of cholera was spreading at an …… rate. ALARM

Task 3. Underline the correct word. (20 marks)

1. Diners’ praise greatly boosted/pushed/shaped/fostered chef’s confidence.

2. Fred was thinking of preparing for the exam, but on stronger/second/better/deeper thoughts, he decided to go to the party.

3. Henry’s face was glistening/glaring/beaming/flashing when he heard Mary’s «I do’.

4. His clever son was a fluff/nest/feather/badge in his cap.

5. I can’t understand why Bob constantly rubs Fiona up the wrong side/way/end/time.

6. I want to follow Columbus’s travel/voyage/trip/crossing to the West Indies.

7. I’m so irritated as Jill takes/robs/grabs/steals the show at every party.

8. The lifting effect wears off/through/down/in in two days.

9. The performance made/passed/sent/offered such a good impression on the audience that the actors were given a 30-minute standing ovation.

10. Though the US and the UAE had agreed on a truce, the former carried through/in/over/on hostile acts.

Task 4. Fill in the gaps with ONE word. (20 marks)

1. Both companies have benefited …… the meeting.

2. Dan’s dream has come true – he has the world …… his feet.

3. Fred isn’t a good student; he always keeps his head …… the clouds.

4. Her family never keeps …… with the Joneses.

5. I know Chris has done it …… purpose.

6. Jack was found guilty …… robbery.

7. Lena aced her finals; she’s …… seventh heaven.

8. Mother can’t give me pocket money as we’re …… a strict budget.

9. The offender compensated me …… the property damage.

10. They complimented Mike …… his generosity.

UNIT 2. Escape Artists

Task 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space. (40 marks)

1. Ben regretted he had never gone on a fishing …… with his father.

A trip

B journey

C trek

D hike

2. Yesterday me favorite band gave a rousing …… of their most popular song.

A translation

B execution

C rendition

D edition

3. The foreman’s command was barely …… above the noise of machinery.

A listened

B audible

C loud

D clear

4. It was quite …… for him to find out that Mary had been dating secretly.

A discordant

B discontenting

C disconcerting

D discouraging

5. The builders heard an ominous crack in the ceiling and in an instant it came down with a …… noise.

A vociferous

B raucous

C boisterous

D deafening

6. Jane didn’t want to wake up in such a …… summer afternoon.

A chilly

B frosty

C frigid

D glacial

7. Mark organized a romantic dinner on the …… of the cruise liner.

A floor

B ground

C platform

D deck

8. The region boasts its …… beaches and plentiful flora and fauna.

A pristine

B pure

C faultless

D untouched

9. If you want to make an unusual dressing for the salad, use the …… to cut the cheese into tiny pieces.

A whisk

B colander

C saucepan

D grater

10. When I pass all the exams, I’ll party and let my …… down at last.

A hair

B heads

C hearts

D souls

11. Dora can learn anything at a ……. It’s amazing!

A look

B glance

C stare

D glimpse

12. Fred and Harry were …… over which flowers to give Nina for her birthday.

A at large

B at odds

C at a standstill

D at a loose end

13. Claire expressed her …… for high-heeled shoes in an arrogant manner.

A likeness

B preference

C care

D inclination

14. Michael …… great pride in his aristocratic pedigree.

A gets

B finds

C has

D takes

15. Mental sharpness is …… to your research, otherwise you’ll fail.

A needed

B required

C essential

D desirable

16. The fort has been under …… for three years.

A blockage

B cordon

C closure

D siege

17. Each time I fly to London, the plane enters severe …….

С этой книгой читают
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Книга посвящена изучению творчества Н. В. Гоголя. Особое внимание в ней уделяется проблеме авторских психотелесных интервенций, которые наряду с культурно-социальными факторами образуют эстетическое целое гоголевского текста. Иными словами, в книге делается попытка увидеть в организации гоголевского сюжета, в разного рода символических и метафорических подробностях целокупное присутствие автора. Авторская персональная онтология, трансформирующаяс
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