Anya Annetsun - Once in Brooklyn

Once in Brooklyn
Название: Once in Brooklyn
Жанр: Героическое фэнтези
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Once in Brooklyn"

Shadow and Light are in love. But theres an evil power, that tries to separate them.

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Hi Mandy!

Hello Light! How are you?

Yes, I'm going to work. New appointment.

And what are you doing now?

Head of Marketing Department.

Wow! Well, good luck!

Thank you!

LIGHT ran a neighbor standing on the steps of the house and got into a taxi.

She was promoted a week ago. And now her salary was as much as one hundred thousand dollars a year. LIGHT never thought that at thirty, instead of being a housewife and raising two (or three?) Beautiful children, she would build a career in one of the largest corporations in New York.

It didn't work out with love yet. Rare guys in her life were all completely repulsed tightly. One was a poker player, Jason, she didn't seem to remember his name anymore; the second was a disco dancer who always forgot about their anniversary. LIGHT did not want men to think only of themselves, but she came across all some complete daffodils.

The taxi was not going fast. The journey from Brooklyn to New York City was a long one, but there was a lot of time. LIGHT always left the house strongly in advance.

She watched the flashing pictures in the backseat window.

Mr. Jennings's shop, Patti Watson's, Manhattan Capitals bank … all these establishments were still closed, and will only open after an hour and a half, and she is already on her way! Mom would be proud of her.

As a child, my mother often told the LIGHT to put things in order in my head. That she hovers in the clouds, and can not bring to mind a single thing. Well, mom? What do you say now?

LIGHT has always had many events in his life. One day an African-American man with a coal-black skin knocked on her door, he asked her to go with him to walk his dog. When LIGHT asked why she was the one, he replied that he had met her for a long time on the way to the East Side, where he worked as a sales manager, and had long wanted to meet her. By the way, they later became friends. His name is Joy.

The taxi crept slowly through the streets of Brooklyn, a familiar melody playing on the radio. Light tried to remember what it was called. It seems to be Whitney Houston. Or Dianne Warwick. Some of them, for sure!

LIGHT took her phone out of her bag and began flipping through the Instagram feed. It was full of bright and beautiful pictures from the life of her friends and celebrities. Rachel is feeding her dog, Anna is showing off her engagement ring, Jasper is making a burrito, and Helen is swimming in the ocean.

Life is beautiful and amazing, isn't it?

Finally, the car drove up to the skyscraper where the office of her company was located. Light thanked the driver, paid him and got out of the car. The sun blinded my eyes.

"How good!" she said to herself and began to climb the steps.

The summer was hot, but at the same time it was not echoing, but calm.

Hello everyone! – by entering

the premises where the marketing department was located, of which she was now the head, SVET greeted everyone present. Someone tore off their heads from the screens of the monitors, and also greeted, while someone did not react at all, continued to sit, immersed in their occupation.

LIGHT smiled and walked into her office. Tossing her bag into the visitor chair, she sat down at the table. The blinds were already open, apparently by a cleaning lady, and the bright summer sun was shining through the window.

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