Andrey Ogonkov - Tales of the Wizard Lyr: The Curse of the Magic Fangs

Tales of the Wizard Lyr: The Curse of the Magic Fangs
Название: Tales of the Wizard Lyr: The Curse of the Magic Fangs
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Книги про волшебников | Зарубежные детские книги
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Tales of the Wizard Lyr: The Curse of the Magic Fangs"

A wizard named Lear lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life imprisoned by Queen Serlaila in order to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories wrapped in magic. This is the eighth tale: The Curse of the Magic Fangs

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Back in the days of yore, between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a wizard named Lear lived in the beautiful land of Ireland. His life was unusual and full of trials. The majestic Lear was imprisoned by Queen Serlaila, who longed to use his unique magical abilities to conquer new lands. Lear repeatedly saved the queen from insidious plots, predicting her future and helping her overcome her difficulties.

However, few people knew that the wizard Lear found his writing vocation by accident. Tormented by boredom and a thirst for creativity, he decided to write fairy tales inspired by letters sent to him by his beloved Miretta. In these letters she told him of her adventures and her search for magic, dreaming of a reunion with Lear.

One day Queen Serlaila read some of these tales and, admiring their beauty, decreed that Lear must compose two tales a week. Otherwise, she threatened to deprive the wizard of a finger for each tale that failed to meet the deadline. Incredibly, Miretta, this brave and dedicated soul, spent nearly fifteen years traveling, exploring the world and gathering inspiration for new stories of magic. She hoped that one day she would be able to reunite with her beloved Lear and give him her own amazing stories.

So begins our story of the wizard Lear, his magical abilities, his creative path and the great love that overcomes time and obstacles. Immerse yourself in the world of magic and fairytale adventures that await us on the pages of this book.

During our trip to Egypt, my traveling companion Miretta and I decided to check out Romania. I have always been attracted to countries that have many scary legends and tales, and Romania was no exception. Upon arrival, I realized that this place is truly amazing. However, who knows what could surprise me in Egypt with its mystical gods and mysterious stories that beckon me to explore.

Immediately upon arrival, I started unobtrusively asking the locals about the existence of vampires and werewolves. And to my surprise, they answered my questions with a full serious face, convinced that such creatures do exist. In Romania, it is difficult to find among ordinary people who believe that vampires and werewolves are fiction. They all believe in their real existence. And that makes me wonder: what is going on in this country?

Tales of the Wizard Lyr: The Curse of the Magic Fangs

In the northwest of Romania lies Transylvania, the most mysterious and mystical place in the world. Not everyone dares to move to such a life-threatening city, but Transylvania attracts those who seek adventure or want to encounter the unknown.

A woman named Taleita has lived here since she was a child and has heard as many fantastic stories as the other residents. Living for thirty-odd years, she had never once encountered danger, and she had a logical explanation for this fact: she was a sorceress and could defend her life.

Taleita lived in her cozy house on a spacious plot of land. She knew very well that her real passion was her garden. It grew a variety of berries, vegetables, apple trees and flowers. Every year she participated in fairs where her products were always in great demand. One day she had a chance to win three bags of gold in a contest. To do so, she had to grow the most magnificent fruits. Taleita dreamed of a bigger house, so she decided to use magic to increase the size of her harvest. She did this with care and intelligence. However, Taleita's neighbors, who always suspected her of witchcraft, decided to prevent her from winning the contest at any cost.

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A wizard named Lyr lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life in confinement, imprisoned by Queen Serlaila to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories shrouded in magic. This is the twelfth tale: Decebal's Magical Experiments.
Волшебник по имени Лир жил в период с шестнадцатого по семнадцатый век в Ирландии. Внушительную часть жизни провёл в заточении, заключенный королевой Серлэйлой под стражу, чтобы использовать его магические способности, благодаря которым Серлэйла завоевала много новых земель. Каждая Сказка Волшебника Лира повествует об удивительных историях, окутанных магией. Одиннадцатая Сказка: Магические Эксперименты Децебаля
A wizard named Lyr lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life imprisoned by Queen Serlaila in order to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories wrapped in magic. This is the fourth tale: Live Portraits by Murine Bell
A wizard named Lyr lived between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Ireland. He spent an impressive portion of his life in confinement, imprisoned by Queen Serlaila to use his magical powers, through which Serlaila conquered many new lands. Each Wizard Lear Tale tells of amazing stories wrapped in magic. This is the sixth tale: Mysteria Herodotus and her Griffons
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