Tatiana Oliva Morales - Moscow, the 70s. Non-adapted short stories for translation from English and retelling. Levels B2—C2. Book 1

Moscow, the 70s. Non-adapted short stories for translation from English and retelling. Levels B2—C2. Book 1
Название: Moscow, the 70s. Non-adapted short stories for translation from English and retelling. Levels B2—C2. Book 1
Жанр: Языкознание
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "Moscow, the 70s. Non-adapted short stories for translation from English and retelling. Levels B2—C2. Book 1"

The book consists of 8 voluminous non-adapted short stories for translation from English. When translating, it is necessary to rely on knowledge of grammatical topics such as the coordination of tenses, conditional sentences of 1 to 4 types, passive voice, gerund, participles etc. The book contains 1829 words and idioms. All stories have keys. It’s recommended for schoolchildren, students, as well as for a wide range of people studying English.

Бесплатно читать онлайн Moscow, the 70s. Non-adapted short stories for translation from English and retelling. Levels B2—C2. Book 1

Иллюстратор Tatiana Oliva Morales

Дизайнер обложки Tatiana Oliva Morales

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, 2019

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, иллюстрации, 2019

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, дизайн обложки, 2019

ISBN 978-5-0050-7452-2 (т. 1)

ISBN 978-5-0050-7420-1

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

How to work at the stories

Follow the simplest rules, namely:

1. First, analyze the sentence for grammar – the tenses and forms of verbs, active or passive voice.

2. If you don’t know any words, use your dictionary or the Translate Google service https://translate.google.com

3. If the sentence has idioms, or words with difficult realities, use the search for their meanings or the realities here https://context.reverso.net

4. First, translate all sentences in the story, then learn all the new words and phrases, do the interpretation of these stories, retell them.

From the author

If you need additional consultations or classes, you can contact me. Consultations / classes in person and via Skype are possible.

My contact details

Tel 8 925 184 37 07

Skype: oliva-morales

E-mail: [email protected]




Tatiana Oliva Morales

Sparkling water machines

I have got a childhood friend, Gella. Sometimes we arrange evenings with our childhood memories. These memories are sometimes very unexpected and moving. For example, yesterday we remembered soda machines with sparkling water. As a rule, they were close to the metro stations.

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